† Prayer To Bless Household Money

The earthly world has been corrupted by the material, you are no longer anyone if you do not have money to be able to live in peace and we all know that it is not easy to obtain. Our money is something very important to us because with it we can continue living in this world, that is why we must entrust it to the Lord with the prayer to bless moneyso we will never lack and there will always be more.

We live in a world where you literally cannot live without a economic stability, your children can’t study without money, your family can’t eat without money and you have to kill yourself working to earn it. God understands that the material in your life is of great importance, so do not be afraid of ask for help in economic matters. Remember that prayers with faith focused on money are effective.

Prayer to bless money

The money of our home is extremely important, without it we cannot eat or buy basic things, that is why God must always bless it so that it never lacks and with this prayer you can ask for his blessing.

Oh My Lord God, you have given me everything you could, you have given me the greatest happiness

You have always protected my interests, my home and my family and I could not be more grateful

But today I come to ask you to continue filling us with blessings and to bless the money in the home.

We know that the material is not always important but in matters of money, it is in the world

That is why we need you to protect our pockets so that the money keeps coming and is never missing

I will continue working to earn it and that my family lives in peace but I need you with me

I beg you to never abandon me because you are the force that motivates me to continue working

You have never left me alone and I am good because I have followed your path, keep giving me your support

I know that by your side I can achieve everything and more, that’s why I don’t want you to ever separate from my Father.


Prayer for money to rain

There are many moments of need in our lives and money is always needed to be able to stay afloat, with this prayer the money will rain before you and you will be able to solve all your financial problems.

Oh Hail God who looks at us from the heavens, drops of water we see fall when the sky is black

We are in desperate moments of our life, in which money is not abundant in the home

We turn to you, Almighty God, the only one who can save us from early misery, save us

Make money rain, never miss food on our table and abundance reign here

Money is not the most important thing, we understand, but without it we will never survive evil

Give us this great wish, participate in our happiness so that we achieve what we want

You have taken care of us, you have seen us grow, you have seen our efforts, reward us Father

Do not abandon us, do not allow hunger and poverty to attack us, give us your divine support

I know that we can move forward if you give us your hand and fulfill our greatest wish My Lord


Prayer for my children to have money

Our money is important but more important is that our children never lack for anything, that is why we must ask God that our little ones never run out of money.

My children are the most precious thing that you have given me, my Lord, that is why you have always taken care of them.

They have already grown up and now they live their lives under your divine light, I know they will be safe because you are there

They are workers and fighters, they are always willing to do anything to achieve their dreams.

But money has always been an impediment, I could never give them everything they wanted

That is why I beg you to help them, put in their paths the best opportunities for them to enjoy

May money never be needed and their jobs give them enough and more to live this life

And so they can give their family what I could never give them, fill them with blessings Father

Since they were little you have accompanied them and guided their path along the correct path, that of good

Do not forsake them, continue accompanying their steps so that they never lack anything My Lord


Prayer to become a millionaire

Having large amounts of money is very important to some people and not all of us are born lucky enough to be millionaires but with this lucky prayer he will smile at you and you can become rich.

A little money is not enough for me, I wish for the very life of a king and I have not achieved it

I have worked all my life and it has been useless, I want to rest without worrying

I want money not to be a problem in my life, I want to be able to always have everything I want

Becoming a millionaire is the only solution and I can only achieve that with your help My Lord, help me

Give me this great wish, I will know how to take care of it and protect it, I will invest and help those who need it

Fill my path with economic blessings, I will know how to manipulate money so that it increases

You have always been there for me, you have given me everything I have ever needed and this is what I need today

Having money to live like a king is my greatest dream, I ask you to fulfill it My Lord

Make this wish come true and I will never ask for anything again, I promise this will be my last wish


Prayer to bless my work

With a good job we can enjoy the enough money to live in peace and also to give us the luxuries that we want so much, this prayer is for God to lay his hand on your work and always have it.

I have achieved this great job, thanks to you Lord, who have given me all the best in the world

I have thanked you millions of times for this but I will never get tired of doing it, everything is for you

Money is never lacking in my home and I can give my family the best gifts, what they want

My family never suffers from work or hunger thanks to the work you put into my path Lord

I no longer have words to tell you how grateful I am to you, that’s why I always follow your path

I beg you to continue blessing my life with your presence, that you never abandon me or my family

You have been in the good times and you have continued with us in the not so good, I thank you

Keep blessing this work, because it is the sustenance of a family devoted to you, who follows you

Stay in the dark moments and help us to float again, you are our engine


Prayer to bless my partner’s work

In addition to the money that we earn, we must think about the stability of our love and that his work always belongs to him, this prayer to ask God that always illuminates the work of our partner.

Together we keep our family stable and all thanks to our jobs

Those works that you have put in our paths My Lord, we are fortunate thanks to you

Today I only ask you to stay by his side, I ask you to stay by the side of (NAME OF YOUR PARTNER)

Because their work is as important as mine and together we have taken this family forward

I ask you to continue lighting his way so that he never lacks his work and receives the money

So that bread is never lacking in our house and we can buy the things we need

Keep guiding us on your path and we will always be safe, far from misery and poverty.

We will walk by your side until the end of time My Lord God


It is always important that everything in our life is blessed by God so we can be safe and calm because at his side everything will be fine. Although money is something material and should not be the most important thing, we need it to survive and we need Our Father to give us all his help so that we never lack it.