† Prayer To Travel Around The World

Knowing the world is one of the greatest dreams that a person can have, traveling and discovering new cultures can be an adventure that you want to fulfill, it is not something simple but it is not impossible either. Many times we believe that we will not be able to fulfill the dream of traveling the world, but all we have to do is place all our faith and hope in God, with the prayer for travel you can start the journey you long for.

It is normal to believe that asking God is wrong, because we feel selfish but the reality is that Our Father only wants us to be happy, asking or not, you should not fear what they will say, if you want something go for it. The best way to express to God everything you want and the dreams you want to fulfill is through prayer.

prayer for travel

When you make your trips you will need the blessing and protection of Our Father, so everything you planned will be perfect, this prayer is to ask God to give you this opportunity.

adored father

I have decided that I should go out and meet

I’ve realized that memories are what I’ll always have

That’s why I come to you

To ask you for help in this stage that I am going to undertake

Help me and bless my travels

Stay by my side while I fulfill my dreams

I know that I will need you to face any obstacle that life throws at me.

Guide me on the right paths Father

And so I can return to you at the end of my journey


If you want to start a new stage, do not forget to ask God to accompany you all the time, so your trips will be blessed by Our Father.

Prayer for long trips

My Sir

Today I have decided to take a very big step in life

I’m going to travel to a place far away and far away

I come to you because I need your protection

You have always taken care of me

You’ve kept me safe from danger

And now I will enter a place where I don’t know what awaits me

that’s why father

I ask you to accompany me

That you are by my side in moments of loneliness

And may you never forsake me on my journey


Prayer for a family trip

Loving father

My family and I have decided that we need to rest

We work and study very hard

We think we should take a vacation

That’s why I come to you my Lord

We want you to be by our side right now

We need you and your protection

I ask you to guide us along the right paths in this adventure

With you we can feel good and happy

We not only need you in the bad times but also in the good ones.

We hope you will always be by our side on this journey

And that you never forsake us because you are our security


prayer for fast travel

O Almighty God!

Situations in my life force me to travel suddenly

I am aware of the risk of this trip

But it is necessary and I must do it

That’s why Father I come to you

For you to bless the path I must travel

Guide me with your light so that everything goes as I wish

And bring me harm and safety to my home

I know that I can trust you


Prayer for dream trips as a couple

beloved father

You have given me the joy of meeting (NAME OF YOUR PARTNER)

And I’m eternally grateful to you for that

We have decided that we want to know beautiful places

We would like to ask for your blessing to make this trip

We know that it will be beneficial for our relationship but we need your approval

You are the only one who knows what suits us

We need your wisdom to embark on this path

Light the way we must follow

Open our eyes to new horizons

never leave us

We need you to be able to live


Traveling is the best way to discover new things and live new experiences, whether you are alone or traveling with the people you love. Many times we believe that traveling is impossible and too expensive, but we must keep faith in God, because if He is in our destination travel, will be fulfilled with the help of Our Lord. Do not be afraid to expand your horizons, it is the best way to grow as a person.