9 Spells to Remove Evil Eyes and Envy: Work and Relationships

To experiment A spell to remove the evil eye and envy can be a very welcome help in your life, making it easier to deal with difficulties caused by these bad energies, enemies and malicious people who only wish you harm.

Even without realizing it, sometimes we are victims of bad eyes and/or envy and end up facing various problems.

Things start to move slowly, there is a lack of willingness and even when a lot of effort is made, the result is not what was expected.

If you realize that you are in a moment like this, perhaps you are being a victim of someone’s envy, and the best thing you can do is to prepare a spell solution to solve your problem.

With rituals from the simplest to the most complex, you will be able to free yourself from bad energy, and return to facing your life in a positive way.

1) Spell to remove evil eyes and envy

If you are going through a situation where someone is jealous and is looking the other way, this is the ideal spell.

It is a little different, because here you know who is putting bad energy into your life.

Without needing many items, but needing a lot of faith, with this ritual your life will transform, returning to being as light as you would like.

You can do it any day of the week, choosing the best time for you.

To put it into practice you must have:

  • One red onion;
  • 1 pencil;
  • 1 new nail;
  • Small piece of new paper;
  • And a piece of red paper big enough to wrap the onion.

Once you have all the necessary materials, follow the step by step below:

  1. Start the ritual by focusing on what you want to achieve and putting it into practice, writing on paper the name of the person who is jealous of you.
  2. Cut the onion in half and place this folded paper 3 times between the pieces, then secure it with a nail.
  3. Use red paper and wrap the entire onion, concentrating that envy will leave your life.
  4. Place the preparation in a bag of your choice and go to the front of a church, where he will leave you at the door, after saying the following line:

“Saint Anthony the miracle worker, Saint Anthony the protector, Saint Anthony frees me from all evil, sent or desired by any opponent.”

Once this is done, pray 3 Our Fathers and go home calmly, because soon your life will be free from envy.

It’s a very simple trick, but it’s well worth doing! I say this because it will rid you of all the bad eyes you have in your body. Therefore, I highly recommend that you don’t miss out on trying it out.

2) Spell to alleviate envy with coarse salt and rosemary

Coarse salt is one of the most used ingredients in cleansing rituals, as it powerfully helps to get rid of any bad energy in our lives.

So, if you are going through a difficult phase, this is the ideal help to help you achieve it and find a more profitable time to live.

With just 3 items you will create a very powerful ritual and bring good things into your life.

To do this, you will need to have on hand:

  • Coarse salt;
  • 12 rosemary sprigs;
  • Water.

Every Monday, for a month, you must perform this ritual. Therefore, you will repeat the same process 4 times, always doing it the same way without making any changes.

The necessary step-by-step instructions are below:

  1. Place the water, coarse salt and 3 sprigs of rosemary in a glass, leaving a place where no one will touch it.
  2. Focus on your request for protection while making this preparation, and then pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary.
  3. In your prayer, ask to be free from envy and all bad energy that may be in your life.
  4. Do this before leaving home and leave the preparation in place throughout the day, at night throw the branches in the trash and the water in the sink.
  5. Focus on your request, imagining that along with the remains are the negative energies that have been in your life.

Wash the glass and use it again the next day to repeat the ritual.

You will soon notice your life is much lighterbeing able to make the most of it with only positive energies around you.

Read too: The True Spell of Garlic: 8 Ways to Get Pregnant, Money and Love

3) Help to remove oily eyes with fine salt

If you are suffering from black eye, this spell will help you overcome this moment, as well as ensuring that you can rest easy from now on.

A protection ritual may be the best option, as it not only protects you today, but also helps you to always live in peace.

To accomplish it, you won’t need anything more than a little saltthe amount you can hold in one hand.

It is important that you put it into practice every first day of each month, trying to keep the same time to do it.

On that day, throw the salt behind the main entrance door of your house, spreading it across the entire length.

Focusing on the bad energies you want to get rid of, sweep the salt away from your entrance, imagining that along with the salt go all the negative energies in your life.

Keep repeating this ritual as often as possible, as this will ensure you get rid of the negative around you, and your constant protection.

From its realization onwards, only good energies will enter your home.

Read too: How to Burn a Person’s Name With Salt?

4) Spell against envy at work

If you are experiencing envy at work, this is the ideal spell to put into practice.

Very simple, but extremely powerful, it will help you get rid of bad energy in the workplace.

It can be redone whenever necessary, ensuring that the energies around you will always be positive and helping you to be successful.

To put it into practice you will need to have the following items on hand:

  • 1 small basin;
  • 1 onyx stone;
  • 5 stones of coarse salt and water.

Place all items inside the basin, concentrating on your request, seeking protection and freedom from envy.

Leave the basin in an uncovered location, taking it at night, and remove it the next day in the morning.

Remove the onyx, dry it and take it to work. Throw the water down the drain, remembering that the bad energy around you will go with it.

Wash and use the basin normally.

As for the stone, dry it and place it on your desk or somewhere very visible in your work environment.

Thus, any energy that reaches you will be absorbed by the stone, preventing envy from coming into contact with your physical and spiritual body.

Read too: 7 Benefits of Bay Leaf on Pillows and Wallets

5) Spell against envy in the relationship

It is not uncommon for envy to affect relationships, turning a previously good relationship into something difficult to continue. So, when you realize that your relationship may be the target of envy, carry out this spell, ensuring the success of your love.

To put it into practice you will need some ingredients, which are not common to have at home, but are easy to purchase. Also have access to a garden or small pot, as you will need to bury all your preparation.

The items you will need for the spell are:

  • 1 white candle;
  • 3 rue leaves;
  • 1 small piece of eucalyptus;
  • 3 red peppers.

When you have all the materials, follow the step by step below:

  1. Start by digging a small hole in the ground, focusing on your request, on getting rid of envy.
  2. Bury the ingredients in this space, except the candle, asking that all the bad energies that have been directed into your life remain with them.
  3. Once this is done, light the candle and place it on top of this place, offering it to your Guardian Angel.
  4. Focus on your wish while the candle burns, and finally, pick up your remains and throw them in the trash.

You will soon notice that your relationship becomes lighter, without the presence of envy around you. So, it’s a simple ritual, but it’s worth doing.

6) Spell to get rid of accumulated envy

If you are going through a period in which you feel that life is very difficult, with envy accumulated around you, this is the perfect spell to put into practice.

To do this, you need a few items:

  • 21 red peppers;
  • 1 clay dish;
  • A street stone, preferably large;
  • 1 glass of drip;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • Paper and 1 pencil or pen.

Once you have the necessary ingredients, wait for Monday, as that will be the best day to put it into practice.

When the time comes to carry out the ritual, start by focusing on what you want when doing it and write down on paper the names of the people who give you envious energy.

After that, start by following the step by step below:

  1. Once done, place the paper in the center of the plate and the stone on top of it, adding the peppers around it.
  2. The peppers should have their tips facing up and be arranged starting from left to right.
  3. Finally, water everything with the drippings and then with the water while saying the following phrase: “Saint Anthony, little saint with the wooden sandal, remove from me and my paths all envy and all evil.”.

Take your preparation and go to a crossroads, leaving it there and walking away without looking back.

Return to your home, while saying the creed prayer and do not talk to anyone on this path, focus on your request.

You will soon find your life lighter, free from envy.

Read too: 3 Spells to Make One Person Sick of Another

7) Spell to do now against envy and evil eye

If you are looking for a spell to combat envy and bad eyes, but you need something simple and that you can do immediately, this is the perfect ritual.

With items that you probably have at home, you can free yourself from envy and find a positive phase in your life.

This ritual consists of asking your Guardian Angel for help.requesting more protection, special attention to issues linked to envy in your life.

To carry it out, it is important that you have some blue clothes and a white candle, as well as a saucer to support it.

Having these items, dress in the blue piece, which can be any and in any shade of that color.

Set aside a moment so you can concentrate and make your wish, then light the candle and say a prayer to your Guardian Angel.

Dedicate the prayer to him and ask for his protection, thinking about what you would like to achieve with his help.

Stay focused on your request until the candle has finished burning, then throw the remains in the trash, and wash the saucer for normal use.

Soon you will be able to find yourself in a lighter life, free from any envy and evil eye, thanks to the support and protection of your Angel.

Read too: 4 Spell to Win in Urgent Mega Sena

8) Ritual to cleanse the body and soul from top to bottom

One of the best rituals to cleanse body and soul is undoubtedly herbal baths.

There are several recipes, all offering different combinations so you can choose what best fits into your life at that moment.

Here we have one of the most powerful, a renewal ritual, used to clear bad energy in your life and also help you deal with complicated emotions at this moment.

To accomplish this,…