Archangel Michael exorcism prayer

San Miguelone of the three archangels, is the chief of the heavenly army. In fact, we can ask the help and protection of San Miguell, in the liberation prayers that we address to the Lord. When facing the forces of evil, or when we have our infighting, we can pray to him and get very effective results. Praying to Saint Michael is having on our side the mighty angel who defeated the dragon, the whole army of angels of good!

Seven days with the Holy Archangels

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Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

“Glorious prince of the heavenly court, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the conflict that we have to sustain against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of evil in high places. Come to the rescue of men whom God has created in his image and likeness, and whom he has redeemed at a high price from the tyranny of the devil. Archangel Michael, it is you whom the Holy Church venerates as its guardian and protector; whom the Lord has commissioned to take redeemed souls to heaven. Pray, therefore, to the God of peace to subdue the devil under our feet, so that he no longer holds men captive or injures the Church.

Glorious heavenly prince, present our prayers to the Most High, so that without delay he may pour out his mercy upon us. He grabs the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and satan, binds him and throws him into the bottomless pit, so that he no longer seduces the nations. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

(Excerpt taken from the little exorcism of Pope Leo XIII)

Other prayers to Saint Michael and the nine choirs of angels

Saint Michael fights against the powers of evil, with the help of the heavenly armywhich is made up of nine choirs of angels: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues (guardian angels), principalities, powers, archangels, and angels.

There are different types of prayers that allow us to ask Saint Michael and the army of angels to protect us and help us in our spiritual battles:

Pray for protection and deliverance with !

Join a prayer community to ask for the protection of the greatest defender against evil!

  • Pray to Saint Michael and the holy archangels with this retreat and ask for their protection and intercession for the struggles that shake our souls and our Church.

  • In addition, you can join these prayer communities for protection, which are very diverse and can be tailored to your prayer needs.