Call me and I will answer you, and I will announce great and mysterious things that you do not know.

Jeremiah 33:3.

Accept the mystery, the surprise of life, you don’t want to know everything, because God shows you everything part by part so that you fully enjoy each thing, so that you learn little by little, so that you can do one thing at a time. , well done, reach your goals and do not leave things started or gaps uncovered.

Go step by step, don’t rush because all that’s left of the effort is fatigue, as they say, which is very true if you go very fast, the only thing you do is wear yourself out senselessly and miss out on several beautiful things that you can’t see so far. how fast you go, what’s more, there will be parts that you skip and then you will discover that you had to live them, that they were important for your life.

Perhaps because of the rush you did not meet that person you are waiting for today, probably because you have been in such a hurry you have barely noticed the presence of someone who may have been by your side for a long time. Perhaps today is too late to approach someone, to do new things, to get to know some place or simply to take advantage of a new opportunity, all because you wanted to get there very soon but you forgot that you were leaving behind the surprise of life, and the sad thing is that in spite of everything, it no longer serves any purpose to repent.

Just as you don’t know where the wind goes, or how the child is formed in the mother’s womb, you also don’t know anything about what God, creator of all things, does.

Ecclesiastes 11:5.

Sometimes it is necessary to hit the brakes, slow down a bit because you may not see the bunny or the child in front of you and you may end up with a life, which is not necessarily someone else’s, because by going too fast, you may even be losing yours, since you are losing energy, like a car that loses fuel. Not knowing all the plans that God has for your life makes you dream, open your horizons and ask God to open the paths for you.

But more importantly, it makes it easier for you to take advantage of what you have, see all the opportunities present and share fully with those who accompany you in your daily life. Just because you don’t know where the wind is going, doesn’t mean you’re wandering around lost, disoriented; it means that you have the opportunity to try different things; and getting lost teaches you to get back on track, to ask for help and to trust that everything God puts in your life has a purpose, a clear objective.

So do not let any butterfly escape for the desire to catch a bird, because you can lose both.

The Lord says: “My eyes are on you. I will give you instructions, I will give you advice, I will show you the path to follow.

Psalm 32 (31): 8.

Even when you get lost, God is watching you and shows you the way to go, guides you and constantly gives you advice, tells you what plans to make and which one is better not to do, or also to wait to make them, the question is that you open your heart and ears and listen to God.

It is important that you keep in mind what he tells you and also that you follow him so as not to miss anything, however, when you want to do something and you feel that God takes you away from the steps to achieve that goal, do not distrust, do not deny, or despair because the Lord knows that perhaps it is not the time for you to get there or for you to have that experience, be calm that everything comes in due time.

Man makes many plans, but only the divine purpose is enhanced.

Proverbs 19: 21.

And what you think will never happen to you, what you think is not for you, will most likely happen to you very soon, only not when you have it established, but when God has it planned for you. When He knows that you are ready, that you have already learned what you had to learn to fully enjoy what you long for, then it is most likely that He will grant it to you.

So do not despair because God has a purpose for you and that is why he prepared your path before you were born, because he is the one who knows what you should or should not learn, the people you should or should not meet, he is the one who knows what steps you should take to reach your goal and what steps not.

Therefore, leave anxiety aside, do not rush so much, because moments of calm and stillness are also necessary, these bring peace and wisdom to continue the path and to know what to do when there are moments of agitation that can cloud your vision. and make you feel lost or disoriented.

Before anything else, acquire wisdom and good judgment. Love her, and she will exalt you; embrace it, and it will honor you.

Proverbs 4: 7-8.

Always ask for wisdom and patience to see, listen and understand when you should go slower and when you should go a little faster, to know how to wait and accept the surprise, do not forget that even if you want, you cannot have control of each something that happens to you because the mystery and the lack of control is what makes life something magical and sometimes difficult, but in the end beautiful and precious.

God reveals to you little by little the path that you must follow, because he knows that if you do many things, you end up leaving something hanging or behind, have wisdom to accept everything that happens, but also to change what you can change, to understand that everything happens and that although you cannot handle everything, each circumstance is a moment that you must take advantage of and recognize as the most precious of your life because that is how you learn to live in the now, knowing that what happened is gone and you cannot do anything about it and that what is coming has not happened and may not happen, therefore you cannot do much about it either.

The only thing you can act on and decide on is what you have at the moment, so don’t lose it by wanting to know everything that awaits you, because a second later it may be too late to want to do what you let pass by.

May God enlighten you and bless you.