Bible passages to remember the importance of our parents

Today on the Family Blog, we will bring another selection of important passages from the Holy Scriptures for good reflection, and today we will talk about fatherhood.


Being a father is a gift from God, present and characteristic of our human nature. Whether physically or spiritually, all men are called to be fathers just as all women are called to be mothers.

We were not born to sterility, as we were all born to generate, after all we were made in the image and likeness of God who is the Father. And God, in his infinite mercy, invites men and women, fathers and mothers, to be his collaborators in art of generating and caring for life.

Parents, in particular, play a fundamental role in family life as they are the heads of the family, the priests of the home, those responsible for transmitting strength and security. The safe haven that assures your children and your wife at all times.

In the Holy Scriptures we can see countless examples of parents who honored their commitment and who are, from ancient times to the present day, true shining beacons for parents:

Abraham, Noah, Isaac, King David and especially Saint Joseph, adoptive father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and patron of the Church.

Bible passages about Fatherhood


“The righteous walk in integrity; Blessed are the children who follow him!” (Proverbs 20, 7)

“Listen to your father, the one who gave birth to you, and do not despise your mother when she grows old.” (Proverbs 23, 22)

“The father of the righteous will rejoice with joy; he who begat a wise man will rejoice in him.” (Proverbs 23, 24)

“May your father rejoice because of you, may she who gave birth to you live in joy!” (Proverbs 23, 25)

“Hear, my children, the instruction of a father; be attentive, to acquire intelligence” (Proverbs 4, 1)

“Children’s children are the crown of the old, and the glory of children is their parents.” (Proverbs 17, 6)

“Keep, my son, the precepts of your father, do not despise the teachings of your mother.” (Proverbs 6, 20)

“A fool disdains his father’s instruction, but he who heeds reproof becomes wise.” (Proverbs 15, 5)

And not only in Proverbs do we find important passages about respect for the father, but also in Ephesians, with three very important pieces of advice, one for sons, two for husbands.


“Children, obey your parents according to the Lord; because this is fair. The first commandment accompanied by a promise is: Honor your father and your mother, that you may be happy and have a long life on earth” (Ephesians 6, 1-3)

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, cleansing her by the water of baptism with the word, that he might present her to himself in all glory, without spot or wrinkle. , without any other similar defect, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5, 25-27)

“So husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. Whoever loves his wife loves himself. Certainly, no one ever hated his own flesh; on the contrary, each one feeds and treats it, as Christ does his Church – because we are members of its body.” (Ephesians 5, 28-30)

We cannot also forget the Psalms, especially Psalm 126, as shown below:


“See, children are a gift from God: the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like the arrows in the hands of the warrior, so are the children born in youth. Happy is the man who has thus filled his quiver: he will not be put to shame when he pleads his cause against his enemies at the city gate.” (Psalm 126, 3-5)

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