bride and groom’s prayer

Before reaching the beautiful sacrament of marriageduring which the bride and groom will entrust their love to God through the prayer of the spouses, it is good that the bride and groom pray for their partner. The commitment periodallows us to discover the other better and better and is an opportunity to surrender love to the grace of God.

Regardless of whether the commitment is celebrated with a blessing, in church or not, it is important to thank God for the loved one and ask for his help in this loving journey. In fact, this is vital to starting the adventure of a lifetime together!

7 keys to go from infatuation to love

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Here are some prayers and tips for writing a commitment prayer.

Three beautiful prayers for the engaged

Prayer of the bride and groom “In my heart, Lord”

“In my heart, Lord, it has been lit

love for a creature

that you know and love.

You made me find it yourself

and you introduced me.

I thank you for this gift

that fills me with deep joy,

makes me like you, who are love,

and makes me understand the value of the life you have given me. Make me not waste this wealth that you have put

in my heart: teach me that love is a gift and that it cannot be mixed

with no selfishness;

that love is pure

and that cannot remain in any baseness; that love is fruitful

and from today must produce

a new way of living in both.

I ask you, Lord, for who awaits me

and think of me; who walks for

by my side; make us worthy of each other;

that we be help and model.

Help us in our preparation

to marriage, to its greatness,

to your responsibility, in order to

that from now on our souls

dominate our thoughts

and lead them in love.”

Prayer of the newlyweds of Pope Francis

“God the Father, source of Love,

Open our hearts and our minds

to recognize in you the origin and the goal of our path as boyfriends.

Jesus Christ, beloved husband,

teach us the life of fidelity and respect,

show us the truth of our affections,

make us available to the gift of life.

Holy Spirit, fire of love,

kindle in us the passion for the Kingdom,

the courage to take big and responsible decisions,

the wisdom of tenderness and forgiveness.

God, Trinity of Love,

guide our steps


Preparation prayer for the bride and groom before marriage

“Lord you are love, and source of all love,

You who know the hearts of young people,

You have placed in our hearts

the ability to love and be loved,

You know that passions make you forget

the true meaning of love

and that we have to fight

to keep a pure and loving heart.

Grant us not to debase love,

make us understand all the selfishness

that sometimes hides in this word,

give us a clean and simple love,

teach us the dignity of love.

Don’t let us ever profane

in thought, in heart, in body,

this gift of life that you have entrusted to us,

bless and purify our love so that,

if it is your will, one day we will become husbands and fathers.


Tips for writing a commitment sentence

The prayer of the bride and groom, like the prayer of the spouses, which the bride and groom will pray on the wedding day, can consist of two parts:

  • a thanksgiving to thank the Lord for having allowed them to meet their fiancé(e), having allowed them to see him/her with the eyes of God and thus discern the unique and wonderful person he/she is.

  • A prayer to ask God to stay within the couple and help them on their way to marriageespecially allowing each one to probe the depth of their love, in complete freedom and with great respect.

Each of the promised can write a sentence or both can have a single one in common. The preparation of this prayer is an essential time of sharing, which can be an opportunity for lovers to talk with an open heart about their feelings, hopes and fears, which will allow them to move more serenely and confidently towards marriage.

Lovers, entrust your partner’s future to the Lord with !

Take some time to love better with this online retreat to learn how to take care of love as a couple!

In addition, proposes that you make this novena to Santa Ana and San Joaquín, the heavenly grandparents of Jesus, who will know how to guide you with love at each stage of family life. If you wish, you can also explore these communities of love in . Join today!

Novena for Families with Saint Anne and Saint Joachim

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