Category Holy Prayers

psalm 35

“«Do not touch my anointed ones nor mistreat my prophets».” Psalm 105:15. Let us keep in mind that God always protects and helps his people. However, when we are presented with unpleasant situations, we can come to think “Why doesn’t…

Pilgrims of Emmaus

In the Gospel of Luke we find the account of the encounter between Jesus risen Y two of his disciples in the road to emmaus. In fact, that was the moment when they were able to see the Resurrected Christbut…

Eden’s garden

doWhat is the Garden of Eden? Did it really exist?The Garden of Eden is commonly known as the earthly paradise, golden age of mankind, cradle of mankind, garden Of Eden, etc… In fact, Genesis, the first biblical book of the…


Noah’s story It is one of the best known of the Old Testament. In the book of genesis we find the life of this man who obeyed God, and thanks to his faith he was saved from Deluge who was…

Passion of Christ

In the gospels of New Testament it is narrated the life of jesus christ in each of its stages, for example, the Jesus birth, the ministry of Jesus Christ and also his last hours of life on earth. Regarding this…


At the beginning of his ministry on earth, Jesus pronounced the sermon on the mount either of the mountainfound in the gospel of matthew. In fact, in the Gospel of Luke we find a similar teaching called the “Sermon on…

Noah’s ark

In the Bible we find stories of men and women who performed miracles thanks to their faith in God. A perfect example of this can be found in the story of noah, a man who made a difference in his…