Chronology of Guillermo José Chaminade

Chronology of Guillermo José Chaminade


1761: On April 8, he was born in Prigueux (France).

1775: Takes the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in private.

1785: Three of his brothers are already priests. He receives priestly ordination in Paris.

1789: The French Revolution breaks out.

1791: Refuses to swear the Civil Constitution

1792: The Republic is proclaimed and all priests who have not taken the oath of the Civil Constitution are condemned to exile, including Guillermo José, who begins his clandestine life.

1793-1797: Years of persecution.

1797: He is expelled from France. He arrives in Zaragoza on October 11. There he forged by divine inspiration many of the projects that he would later carry out.

1800: Return to France in September.

1801: In March, the Holy See grants him the title of Apostolic Missionary.

1816: Founded the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Marianists).

1817: Founded the Company of Mary (Marianists).

1839: On April 27, Pope Gregory XVI issued the Laudatory Decree. From the final approval of this decree, which occurred some time later, the two works of Guillermo José were already of pontifical right.

1850: On January 6, he suffered a stroke that paralyzed his right side and made him lose the ability to speak.

1850: On January 22, he concludes his earthly life and leaves for Heaven.

1918: His cause for beatification is introduced in Rome.

1969: Vicente Vasey publishes a fundamental study on Guillermo José Chaminade. It was called “The last years of Fr. Chaminade”.

1973: His “heroic virtues” are declared

2000: On September 3, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Rome.

2010: In July, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri, officially closed the investigation into an alleged miraculous healing attributed to Blessed William Chaminade, which if recognized by the Vatican would allow his canonization.

2011: The 250th anniversary of his birth is celebrated worldwide.