Effective Spells with Lemon for Personal Protection

Effective Spells with Lemon for Personal Protection

The lemon has always been cataloged for many years as a cleansing fruit, for its powerful effect and strong flavor. Within the world of spells, effective lemon spells are usually extremely powerful and have a fairly abrasive cleansing effect.

The lemon, according to some schools of thought, is associated with the lunar and feminine essence. Christian tradition often links the image of the lemon tree with that of the Virgin Mary, not only because of its bright fruit with a sweet fragrance and pleasant shape, but also because of its wealth of healing properties, including being a remedy against poisons.

Meanwhile, the more yellow lemon recalls the lightness of the sun’s rays, which helps the growth of that fruit, giving lemon trees a positive and redeeming valueoften used superstitiously to ward off the Devil from homes.

article content

  • 1 How to make a powerful spell with lemon
    • 1.1 For a protected and peaceful life
  • two how many times can i do this spell

How to make a powerful spell with lemon

The effective spells with the lemon are usually quite simple, but at the same time very strong that help a person to clean the places where they are of bad energies and protect the life of who invokes it when done correctly. It is important to know that for this, you will need fresh and greenish lemons. These will last much longer making the spell last much longer.

For a protected and peaceful life

Take a strand of your hair at three different points on your head. For three different days, and moisten it with some holy oil. Add a little whale blubber, a segment of minced garlic, 10 drops of blessed wine. Leave all those things on the windowsill, in a small plate covered with a red cloth.

Next, chop up some licorice root and mix with the rest. Add three drops of lemon for three days, taking care to do it when the noon bells have rung. Therefore, spread this compound on a very small diamond. It is considered a powerful amulet that will help us in case of problems.

This spell is ideal to have self protection. So all the bad influences leave your life and you can have a much calmer and more peaceful life. If there are people casting enchantments against you, nothing bad can happen to you because you will always be protected.

how many times can i do this spell

The times you can do this spell will depend on the protection you want to have. If you are feeling that you are under spiritual attacks, it is ideal that you do these every week effective spells with lemon. That they are really going to help you to have your life in peace and calm without torments or anguish.