Evening Prayer for April 1

Almighty God, tonight I thank you for allowing me to live one more day with my family.whom I love, one day to serve and be able to amend my mistakes of yesterday, one more day to be a defender of my testimony and remain faithful to You.

I also give thanks, beloved Father, for the good things that happened to me today, for the things I received and for the people who did me good, I thank you Lord for having granted me the privilege of enjoying these riches. And although there were people who hurt me today, I do not hold a grudge against them Lord, because You have taught me about forgiveness, You forgive my sins and I forgive those of my brothers against me.

In the same way I ask you to grant us a full and joyful rest tonight, I also ask you Eternal God, forgiveness for the bad actions that I may have done during the day, I know that I make many mistakes my Lord, but I strive daily to be better.

I am so grateful to you, Father of goodness, and before I close my eyes I must tell you that tomorrow I want to serve you more than today, I want to proclaim your word, I want to be a faithful servant who leads my brothers to your presence and with you by our side. I know that everything is better and that everything can be achieved Father.

Tonight I praise you with my voice and in silence I look for you in my prayermy knees do not get tired and my faith is still alive, I ask you to sleep by my side Lord and you can grant me the blessing of feeling your warmth, snuggling me under your sacred mantle, Eternal Father.

All the glory is yours my God, Glory to your precious name and Glory to your son Jesus Christ my great Lord, You live in me and in all things, Lord You are my source and my light, my star of life and my great protector , do not walk away from me Holy Father, protect me and protect my brothers, they need you as much as I do.

That tonight I can achieve the rest that my body needs, it has been a rewarding but exhausting day, and my soul seeks a refuge like that dog that seeks a roof in full stormy rain, give me room in your arms Father, and may it be your will that allows tomorrow to enjoy once again everything you give me. All this Lord, I ask with love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.