Evening Prayer for August 19, 2022

My faithful Lord, tonight has become an inspiration for me to turn to You with this simple prayer. I want to thank you for so many blessings, because in many ways, you have been present, you have not been indifferent to my requests and you have given me all your love.

You are in absolutely everything Lord, in every warm sunrise, in the hugs of my friends, in the comfort of my mother, in the efforts she makes for me to live well, in the people in need of You.

Thank you beautiful Father, because tonight I was able to return home free from the dangers that constantly occur in the streets, because the kindness that you sow in my heart helps me to be more human when the world becomes more and more insensitive to the needs that exist.

Tonight, I thank you because you do not forget me, despite all the mistakes I have made, because you have known how to be a support when I fall into the deepest wells of pain, because with your Spirit, you can make me a new person again. . Because you have given me many signs, which help me to make the best decisions for my life.

My Lord, today I feel very loved, because I have received so many beautiful things in experiences and different experiences, because you forget my past and you always accept me with love as your son, embracing me in your mercy.

Give me the rest I need, good Father, because it has been a great day, but very tired and I need You to be able to wake up with more energy and a better attitude to carry out all my activities. That is why today I pay homage to you my God, because everything you do for me and for the whole world does not compare to anything, blessed be you always my Lord, my heart truly praises you.

I beg you wonderful Lord, that you take all the worries that fill my mind, remove all the frustrations and give me a pleasant rest in your divine presence. Help me to fall asleep quickly and thus wake up, if it is your will; with a totally renewed heart to continue taking advantage of every day that I have to live.

Eternal God, I give you my life so that you can transform it into an instrument of your peace, so that I can be the messenger of your love, a reflection of everything you did for everyone. I take shelter in your arms Father, in the name of Jesus, Amen.