Evening Prayer for August 25, 2022

Blessed and beloved Lord, tonight I come before You to rejoice in your Word and in all the love you give me daily. Thank you, my God, for preserving my life until now, for the health you give me so that I can work with effort on everything I had planned today. I have the peace of mind to return home without any damage and now, I can lay my tired body on my bed under your blessing.

Today I had a super exhausted day, and I have come home with little strength, but I do not want to stop praising you with everything and my tiredness, because you do wonders with your grace, your works are always reflected in your creations and in the people who lend me a hand to help me.

Thank you because I have a stable job, because in a humble and dignified way I can bring bread to my family’s table and thus, to prevent them from missing something, because they have received me with much love and are always ready to attend to my needs in good and bad situations.

I also thank you for the complicated moments that I had to live, which help me strengthen my faith in your promises, because the looks and bad attitudes of some people helped me to work my patience, to be able to treat them as only You would treat them, Lord.

Let tonight, my dreams be controlled by You merciful Lord, so that I can have you present within them. Don’t let bad thoughts take over my life, because I feel very exhausted Lord, remove everything that harms me. I want to abandon myself in your arms, beloved Father, I trust in You.

I implore your Holy Spirit, so that it can dwell in me, so that it can chase away everything that wants to disturb me. Be my faithful guardian and take care of my life so that tomorrow I can act with all the gifts you give me and thus be faithful to what your will shows me.

The silence calms down the external sounds and this helps me to give my life into your hands. May your love cover my tired heart and let me be light and salt for this world again. I no longer want to be the same, I want to be renewed in your grace and be able to be faithful in service.

If it is your will, give me a sunrise where I can have the opportunity to improve my life, to love you more and share everything you have given me with those who need it most. In You I take refuge, because You are my protection and who gives joy to my soul, in You I rest in the name of Jesus, Amen.