Evening Prayer for November 1

Blessed and adored Lord, the sky is dressed in black as a sign that night has fallen. One more day is over and it’s time to put myself in your presence, Well, even though I know you’ve been with me all day, I can’t miss the opportunity to talk to you before I get ready to rest.

How beautiful it is Lord, to live every day under your shelter and protection. Thank you very much, Holy Lord, for being so good to me and all the people I love. Thank you, because I know that on this day you have been above me, my family and my house. Thank you, my beloved God, because today there was no lack of food, what to wear and a place to reside. Thank you, my beautiful Father, because I know that You provide everything we need to live.

In this dark night, in this moment of intimacy with you, my good God, I also want to thank you because today you gave me the strength to overcome every adversity that came my way. Thank you, good Father, because you were by my side showing me that you love me, that you take care of me and that you are faithful at all times.

In these moments I am preparing to rest, my blessed Lord, but before resting in my bed, I want to leave everything in your blessed hands: my life, the life of my relatives, friends and other loved ones, my home and each one of my environments, for May it be You who comes to give us the peace we need to fall asleep free from worries.

You know what disturbs us, what worries us, what many times does not let us sleep in peace, Lord, that is why I ask you on this precious night, that You take each of these things, my God, and let blank my mind so I can rest without fear, so that my mind clears and my body can regain strength for a better tomorrow.

Help me, my good God, to have a good night. Deliver us from misfortunes, Lord, from accidents and bad news, so that we can sleep peacefully and serenely in the moonlight, knowing that our lives, worries and problems are sustained by You.

Come take my home, Lord. Come walk through each corridor, each room, come spread your purifying light in each space, that even the last corner is wrapped in your blessing. Do not allow the enemy to take advantage of the darkness to do his tricks, take care of us from all evil and support our dreams with your holy presence.

Today I will rest convinced that You are with me and all mine, kind Lord. Thank you very much for listening to my prayer and thank you, because I know that You are by my side holding my hand and watching over each one of my dreams and desires. If it is your will, give me the joy of being able to see a new dawn, so that I can live a new day full of opportunities and successes to achieve, in the victorious name of your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.