Evening Prayer for November 2

My beloved Redeemer, one more day ends with your company and it seems to me the right time to approach You and present myself with a sincere heart, free from ties and secrets, because You, the God of mercy, have given me the joy of living one more day in your presence. I want to prepare myself before You, blessed Lord, because there is no better place than being at your feet.

On this beautiful night that adorns our sky, I want to praise and bless you Lord, because I have been able to feel you in each of my activities. Thank you, good Father, because you were with me at every moment of this day, in each person with whom I shared and in each experience that left me a teaching.

Thank you, Eternal Father, because in these moments of prayer I can realize how great is that love that You have for each one of your children. Thank you, incomparable Lord, because you gave me strength not to decay. and wisdom to fulfill well with all my obligations.

And if there was a time when my faith was weakened, I ask your forgiveness, my Lord, because I believe in You, but many times I feel disturbed by so many things that happen. Forgive me too, my Lord, if I did not know how to understand my neighbor, if I sinned in many ways and if I did not act as a true son of yours.

Sometimes it is not easy to face the difficulties of each day, my Lord, that is why I ask you to forgive me and help me to overcome those tests, so that each day I can improve in every aspect and I can get ahead trusting that You will never you leave me, in that you support me and lift me up with your mighty right hand.

Only You know everything I have lived through this long day, Lord, my joys, my sorrows, everything I had to endure and those injustices that were committed against me, but God of my life, despite the fatigue and the feelings that overwhelm me, I am certain that You are taking care of my life and the life of all those around me.

Please, blessed Lord, cover my life with your precious mantle, deliver me from evil and guard my home from all danger, from any accident or misfortune that may occur during this night. May peace, tranquility and hope come to my house. Unite us, O merciful Lord, with bonds of love, so that the fights stop and we can be more understanding with each other.

My heart needs you, my God. PI am in your hands tonight and the day that awaits us tomorrow, according to your will. I stay with you knowing that you hear my prayer and take it, for you never leave your children’s pleas unanswered, my good Lord. Thank you for listening to me and thank you, too, because I know that I will sleep under your care and protection, In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.