Examples of readings and prayers for weddings

The prayer of the spouses is the prayer that the bride and groom read during the religious celebration of the marriage in the church. Although it is recommended that the bride and groom write the sentence themselves, they can also choose an existing one or take inspiration from sample readings if they prefer. The important thing is that the husband and wife identify themselves in the chosen text!

My marriage as God intended

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Next some proposals for different types of celebration.

spouses prayer

“Lord: Make our home a haven of love.

Let there be no injury because you give us understanding.

Let there be no bitterness because You bless us.

Let there be no selfishness because You encourage us.

Let there be no rancor because You give us forgiveness.

May there be no abandonment because You are with us.

May we know how to march towards You in our daily lives.

May each morning dawn another day of dedication and sacrifice.

May each night find us with more husbandly love.

Make, Lord, of our lives that you wanted to unite

a page full of you.

Do, Lord, of our children what You long for:

help us educate them and guide them along the way.

We strive on mutual consolation.

Let’s make love another motive to love you more.

That we give our best to be happy at home

and that our love lasts until eternity, so that

when you come in the clouds of heaven, may you find us

united in you


Prayer of the spouses to have a lasting couple

“I ask you Lord

That you remove all selfishness

Of our love.

May our love be a bridge that unites.

Let it be an impulse to participate more,

To help more, to search together

The paths of truth.

May together we love others more.

Let us be more humble together,

Freer, stronger.

and leaning on you

We can defy it all

for following you


-Source: aciprensa

Prayer for fidelity of spouses

“Lord, Holy Father,

omnipotent and eternal God,

we thank you and bless you

your holy name: you have created

the man and the woman

so that one is for the other

help and support. Remember us today. Protect us and grant us

that our love be delivery

and gift, in the image of Christ and of the Church.

Enlighten us and strengthen us in the task

of the formation of our children,

to be authentic Christians

and mighty builders of the

earthly city. make us live

together long, in joy and peace,

so that our hearts

can always raise towards you,

through your Son in the Holy Spirit,

praise and thanksgiving. Amen.”

7 keys to go from infatuation to love

1536 members

Prayer of the spouses to the Virgin

“Our Mother:

In your name we have united our hearts. We want you to preside over our love; that you defend, preserve and increase our illusion. Remove from our path any obstacle that gives birth to the shadow or the doubts between the two.

Separate us from the selfishness that paralyzes true love.

Deliver us from the lightness that endangers the Grace of our souls.

Make us, by opening our souls, deserve the wonder of finding God in each other.

Make our work help and encouragement to fully achieve them. It preserves the health of our bodies. Solve material needs.

And make the dream of a new home and of children born of our love and of the body, be a reality and a path that leads us straight to your Heart. Amen.”

Khalil Gibran’s Prayer for a Mixed Marriage

“Together you will be when the white wings of death scatter your days.

Yes, together you will remain in the silent memory of God.

But let there be spaces in your communion,

and let the winds of heaven dance among you.

Love one another, but do not make love an obstacle:

May it be rather a seething sea between the beaches of your souls.

Fill each other’s cups, but drink from one cup.

Share your bread, but do not eat the same piece.

Dance and sing together and be joyful; but allow each one to be alone,

just as the strings of the lute are separate and yet vibrate with the same harmony.

Give each other your heart, but do not give it to each other in custody.

Since only the hand of Life can guard your hearts.

Live together, but not too close either;

as the pillars of the temple stand at a distance,

and the oak and the cypress do not grow in the shadow of each other.”

Spouses prayer for a wedding anniversary

“O God, you have sustained us through joys and sorrows in an indissoluble community of life: purify and increase our love by the power of your Spirit, so that, united with our children, we may always enjoy your friendship. For Christ , our Lord, Amen.”

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