God is bigger than difficulties

God is greater than everything: it is bigger than problems or difficulties, it is bigger than illness, bigger than pain, bigger than doubt or despair, because simply, the Lord is above all those things because He is the only one capable of ending with each and every one of them.

For God there are no impossible, you just have to trust, because He works in his own time and when we least expect it, but we need it most, He acts with a blessing that restores our calm and makes the storm go away.

Today we want to show you the greatness of God, because in his own Word we read that he performed great miracles: he healed the sick, restored sight to the blind and is also capable of restoring faith to those who believed everything was lost. It’s time to trust again and know that God is greater than the cause of your concern.

Put the Lord to the test and leave everything in his hands, He will know the exact moment when everything will turn in your favor. God is good and his mercy is for all his children. Let us trust and put aside fear, because God has given us a spirit of courage, a spirit full of peace and love.

Prepare your heart and tell God with great faith this little prayer:

Lord, help me remove from my life all those barriers that prevent my faith and trust in You from growing. Give me strength not to fear and courage not to doubt when faced with adversity, knowing that your ways only lead to victory, in Jesus Name, Amen.