History of Saint Thomas the Apostle

Saint Thomas: The Apostle of Faith

Saint Thomas, also known as Saint Thomas the Apostle or Thomas Didymus, is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and is known for his search for tangible evidence of Jesus’ resurrection.

The Call of Saint Thomas to Be a Disciple of Jesus:

Saint Thomas was called by Jesus to be one of the twelve apostles, along with the other disciples. One of the best-known accounts involving Saint Thomas is the moment in which he expressed his disbelief at the testimony of the other apostles about the resurrection of Jesus.

The Missionary Travels of Saint Thomas as an Apostle:

After the ascension of Jesus, Saint Thomas went on a mission to propagate the Gospel and spread the message of Christ in different regions of the world. He is often associated with preaching in India, where he is believed to have converted many to Christianity. During his missionary travels, he faced many challenges, but remained faithful to his calling as an apostle.

The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas:

Christian tradition reports that Saint Thomas was martyred in his apostolic missions, suffering a tragic end in his commitment to preaching the Gospel. The exact place and manner of his death are the subject of different traditions. He is believed to have been martyred with a spear, giving him the title “Saint Thomas, the Apostle of the Spear”.

Reports of Miracles through the Intercession of Saint Thomas:

After his death, many reports of miracles attributed to the intercession of Saint Thomas were recorded by the faithful. He is often invoked in moments of doubt, despair or in search of deeper faith. Saint Thomas is considered a powerful intercessor, especially for those who struggle with faith and believing without seeing.

Among the most reported miracles through his intercession are cures from illnesses, conversions of hardened hearts, and strengthening of faith in God. Devotees of Saint Thomas believe that it helps to strengthen confidence in Christ’s resurrection and overcome doubts that may arise on their spiritual journeys.

Prayer to Saint Thomas:

O glorious Saint Thomas, faithful apostle and example of courage in the face of doubt, we turn to you for help and intercession.

Just as you asked for evidence of Jesus’ resurrection, strengthen our faith and help us overcome our uncertainties and questions.

Saint Thomas, guide us on our journey of faith and grant us the grace to believe without seeing.

Intercede for us with Jesus Christ, so that we can live a life of faith, love and dedication to the Gospel.

Saint Thomas, apostle of hope, pray for us. Amen.