History of São Sebastião

The Life of Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian is one of the best-known and most venerated saints in the Christian tradition. Born around 256 AD, in Narbonne, France, he is considered a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and other Christian denominations.

Mission of Saint Sebastian

From a young age, Sebastião stood out for his unshakable faith in Christ and his service to others. He joined the Roman army and, in parallel, secretly provided aid to Christians persecuted by the Roman emperor Diocletian. Sebastião used his position in the army to protect and comfort imprisoned Christians, risking his own life for the sake of faith.

Death Attempts:

His charitable actions and his courage in supporting Christians caused the Roman authorities to turn against Sebastian. Diocletian, upon discovering his clandestine Christian activities, ordered him to be executed as an example to others who dared to follow the same faith.

The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

The story of Saint Sebastian’s martyrdom is marked by perseverance in his faith even in the face of the greatest adversity. According to tradition, Sebastião was tied to a tree and shot with countless arrows, but, miraculously, the arrows did not hit him fatally. The Roman soldiers, perplexed by Sebastian’s resistance, ended up abandoning him, believing he was already dead.

However, it was a Christian woman named Irene who found Sebastião and realized that he was still alive. She tended to his wounds and, after recovering, Saint Sebastian faced Diocletian again, reprimanding him for his cruelty against Christians. Enraged, the emperor ordered his execution by beating, and thus the martyr found his eternal rest in the Lord.


After his death, Saint Sebastian was honored as a martyr and saint by Christians. His popularity grew rapidly, and his devotion spread to many regions of the world.

Veneration of Saint Sebastian in the city of Rio de Janeiro:

Devotion to São Sebastião in the city of Rio de Janeiro dates back to Brazil’s colonial period. During the 16th century, Portuguese colonizers arrived in the region and brought their Catholic faith with them. Among the various saints venerated by colonizers, Saint Sebastian emerged as an especially relevant and beloved figure.

São Sebastião, patron saint of the city, was invoked to protect the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro against diseases and epidemics that were ravaging the region at the time. His martyr figure, resisting the arrows that symbolized persecution, was seen as a symbol of strength, courage and hope in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, the saint was often invoked to intercede in times of war and conflict, since his history of unshakable faith and protection of Christians made him a symbol of defense and resistance.

As the centuries passed, devotion to Saint Sebastian continued to grow among Rio de Janeiro residents, and the saint was officially proclaimed patron saint of the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1965.

Currently, the celebration in honor of Saint Sebastian takes place annually on January 20, with parties, processions and religious events, where the faithful express their gratitude and devotion to the patron saint. The iconic image of São Sebastião, often associated with Christ the Redeemer, continues to symbolize protection, faith and hope for the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro. Devotion to São Sebastião remains rooted in the city’s culture and history, strengthening the faith and religious identity of Rio residents.

Reports of Miracles Attributed to Saint Sebastian:

Over the centuries, many reports of miracles attributed to Saint Sebastian have been recorded. From miraculous cures for serious illnesses to divine interventions in dangerous situations, the faithful believe that the saint intercedes in their lives in the face of difficulties.

Prayer to Saint Sebastian:

O glorious Saint Sebastian, hero of faith and example of courage in the face of adversity, we humbly turn to you in search of your intercession.

Just as you endured the arrows of persecution for the love of Christ, protect us in our trials and strengthen our faith.

O Saint Sebastian, intercede for us with the Most High, so that we may be worthy of his mercy and obtain the grace we so need.

In you, holy martyr, we find comfort and hope. Protect us and bless us in all areas of our lives.

Saint Sebastian, pray for us. Amen.

May the life and intercession of Saint Sebastian inspire us to face life’s challenges with courage and faith, knowing that God is always with us, guiding and protecting us. May his devotion be a constant reminder of the importance of helping others and following the teachings of Christ, regardless of the circumstances we face. Amen.