Lent: prepare and live it in prayer : communities of prayer

Lent is a period of Fourty days marked by prayer, forgiveness and communion among Christians. Lent begins Ash Wednesday and extends to Holy Saturdaythat is, the day before Easter. This liturgical season commemorates the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert, represents a time of recollection, of conversion and to share for Christians. During these dates, the children of God not only prepare ourselves to experience the joy of the resurrection of Christ, but we are also called to turn towards the Lord and towards our brothers. To do this, we must center ourselves spiritually, especially through the fast Y the sentence.

Online Lenten Retreats

make a withdrawal during Lent it provides us with many benefits: recharging our batteries, walking towards God, deepening our faith, converting…

For this reason, proposes you to live this time with the help of various prayer communities that will allow you to Live Lent as a family, individually, in the company of relatives or loved ones, etc. Each proposal is different: for example, in some communities you will receive the word of godshort videos, prayer itineraries, weekly guides and much more…

Accompaniment for this time of fasting

During Lent, Christians are invited to abandon certain habits and give God more space in our lives. Fasting and sacrifices to the Lord are usually done at this time. Fasting is not only an offering or a sharing between God and us, but also an opportunity to refocus on what is really essential in our lives and rediscover the taste of it. Let us bear in mind that it is not always easy to strive for forty days to fast, kick a bad habit or sacrifice our leisure time to have more time to pray. Therefore, let us not hesitate to ask the Holy Spirit to help us! Furthermore, if we live this moment with a prayerful community, we can encourage each other and pray for each other.

Together, let’s walk towards Easter

While it is true that Lent is a time that invites reflection, it is also a moment of communion and sharing among Christians. For this reason, invites you to live this great moment of the year in union of prayer, through the retreats proposed around Lent, to the Holy Week and/or to Paschal Triduum.

You can also deposit your intentions so that other members of take you in their prayers. Come and find a community for you to enjoy this time together in prayer!