May: month of Mary, month of mothers

We arrived in the month of May, the mothers monththe month in which we remember the Holy Mother of the Lord, Mary Most Holy.

Now this Sunday, Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world. The cliché says that the “Mother’s Day is every day and not just one day” and we must celebrate this day alongside our mothers (whether they are blood or not). More than a custom, it is a unique moment that we should celebrate. And it is also on this day that many of us remember with affection and longing the mothers who are no longer here with us and one who should not be forgotten and always celebrated as an example is Mary, mother of Jesus.

Your unconditional love, your tenderness, your strength and faith show us how much we can endure in the face of life’s afflictions and how much the act of being a mother is a gift in women’s lives. Mary is not only the mother of Jesus, but also the mother of the Catholic Church. She accompanied her son from the first to the last day of his life and was always in his heart during his most difficult moments of your journey.

May: mother’s month, month of Mary!

Himself Pope John Paul II cited Mary in the Letter to Women as the greatest mother of all precisely because of her act of helping the Church and humanity to live for God. She was chosen to carry our Savior in her womb, announced by the sweet words of the Angel Gabriel: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus”which are still reproduced by us today pray the Rosary or say a simple prayer.

And that’s why especially in may we celebrate with more faith and devotion our love for this great woman who was Mary, who also shows herself to us in the different forms of Our Lady, reinforcing that dedication, trust in the Lord and devotion are the keys to becoming better mothers and beings better humans.
To honor all mothers and women this Mother’s Month, we will reproduce here an excerpt from the Letter to Women mentioned above, published on 06/29/1995 by Pope John Paul II.

“Thank you, woman-mother, who becomes the womb of the human being in the joy and suffering of a unique experience, who makes you the smile of God for the creature that is given birth, who guides you in your first steps, support for your growth, a point of reference throughout your life.

Thank you, woman-wife, who irrevocably unites your destiny with that of a man, in a relationship of reciprocal gift, at the service of communion and life.

Thank you to you, woman-daughter and woman-sister, who brings to the family nucleus, and then to your entire social life, the riches of your sensitivity, your intuition, your generosity and your constancy.

Thank you, working woman, committed to all areas of social, economic, cultural, artistic and political life, for the indispensable contribution you make to the creation of a culture capable of combining reason and feeling, to a conception of life that is always open to sense of “mystery”, to the construction of richer economic and political structures of humanity.

Thank you, consecrated woman, who, following the example of the greatest of all women, the Mother of Christ, Incarnate Word, opens yourself with docility and fidelity to the love of God, helping the Church and all humanity to live towards God a “nuptial” response, which wonderfully expresses the communion that He wants to establish with His creature.

Thank you, woman, for the simple fact that you are a woman! With the perception that is characteristic of your femininity, you enrich the understanding of the world and contribute to the full truth of human relationships.”