Morning prayer for April 12

Blessed Father, King of all things, this morning I come to You with a grateful heart because You give me so much.because you bless me greatly and allow me to wake up with my family, and have the joy of living one more day by their side.

Thank you my Lord, because in this new dawn I can count on all your blessings, those that I never lack, I am grateful for your generosity, for your kindness, for your mercy, for having loved me completely, with each of my defects. Because You, Father of mercy, are a patient God, and you understand me.

My God, you have not abandoned me throughout the night, I have been able to rest easy knowing that I am under your care, you have given me your warmth and the serenity of your love, thank you for having covered me with your Blessed Blood, that which you shed for each one of us.

Last night my body felt tired, exhausted and afflicted, but Today thanks to you, King of kindness, I have gotten out of bed full of vigor, full of energy and happy to be able to have a healthy body to enjoy every minute of this day.

I fully trust in You, my Holy Father, because there is nothing in this world that escapes from your hands. I know that you have a plan for everything and that every moment in my life is perfectly aligned to a goal that you have to achieve. Use me in the best way as your good servant, God of love.

Give me a lot of clarity this morning. May my actions please you and grant me your favor.

I want this day, if you give me the opportunity Father, to be able to do good to others, provide service to those who need it, offer my love and affection to my loved ones, share my smile with a stranger, reach out to the homeless, and share my knowledge with those who most need it.

I ask you dear Lord, that on this new day, my heart is a new, humble heart, where your love reigns Lord, I want my heart to be your home and I want to keep it clean from all evil so that it can be a worthy dwelling place for You.

Blessed Father, like every day, I ask for your protection, because this world has become a dangerous place, where life is taken from us as if it were a game. Protect me and also take care of those around me, that this day we can return to our homes healthy and protected by You. May we not forget to live sensibly and prudently, and may we be able to decide wisely in every situation.

That in this new day that begins Lord, bless me to be able to do well the things that I have to do, help me Holy Father, keep me by your hand, on the path to your presence, do not allow me to separate from You today. May your will be done in my life Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.