Morning prayer for December 8

Thank you God the Father for granting me one more day of life under your gaze. This morning I just want to thank you because you place countless blessings in my life. Thank you because your presence is in my heart since the day begins and accompanies me in all the moments you give me.

I just want to be pleasant and give you words of praise, beloved Father, because thanks to You all the fears of my life have disappeared, because thanks to You I can understand that service is a fundamental part of my life and because you have become the basis solid where I can build my home and my faith.

Almighty God, if your presence is in my life there will be no evil that can break me, there will be no one against me. Thank you because you are a just, loving and kind Father that you fill my days with your peace and your joy. My Lord, stay in the center of my home to strengthen me daily with your spirit.

This morning I want to ask you for my family, so that you protect the path that they are going to take to their jobs, to their studies or to the destinations that they have to reach. Precious Lord, be vigilant when they need you, become their joy for their good times and their comfort when the tests are greater than their strength.

Do not forsake them for a moment and remind them that the only truth and happiness is following your path. Make our prayer strong and constant. Increase our spirits and our faith, enlightening us with your resplendent presence so that our actions please you and we obtain more blessings from you, my beloved Lord.

Almighty Lord, fill me with faith and joy, of trust and hope to put all my projects in your holy and venerable hands. Do not let me walk in the desert of life, keep your eyes on me in moments of desolation and make me come out victorious in these moments.

If during the day things don’t go as I expect, give me the patience and wisdom to understand that there will always be something else in your plan. Give me need of You, majestic Lord, to seek you constantly, to be useful to you as a true servant of your kingdom.

My God, help me to take your message of love to the people who go around the world without knowing that you exist, those who have suffered disappointments and those who have no hope. May it be an instrument to show them your peace and your love, so that they understand that the happiness they yearn for so much can only come from You.

Heavenly Father, grant me to live a day full of your blessings and help me to live it with great joy. Help me to stand up if I should fall in any test. I thank you because I know that you have prepared this day especially for me and I am about to start it with great joy and enthusiasm.. I ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, the only truth in the world, Amen.