Morning prayer for February 28

Blessed Father, I wake up with great joy, my eyes open and can contemplate, once again, your beautiful creation. This morning I want to put myself at your feet to thank you for this beautiful gift that is to live. Thank you because you become my friend, because you are my faithful companion and because you are my protector from all evil.

Dear Lord, I have no words to say to you, I have no sentences to describe how great and majestic you are, I recognize that my praise is not enough to enclose everything that you represent for me, but even so I want to raise it towards You and put it under your feet, which is the highest place i can be.

Thank you divine Lord, because I wake up with many encouragement to enjoy this day, because I will start with the hope of correcting my mistakes and correcting what I did wrong yesterday. I put all the plans I have for today under your gaze, so that you can take them into consideration and thus grant me your favor according to what I may need and when I may need it.

Fill me with peace, merciful God, give me that tranquility that is needed to know how to interpret what you want for me, give me the possibility of becoming someone who can take your message to the people who need it most through my life testimony. Lord, I want to be a good servant of yours, bringing love where it is most needed.

This morning I want to ask you for my family, so that they do well in everything they undertake and everything they have planned. I ask you not to forget the difficulties they are going through and to give them the possibility of solving the pending problems they have. I thank you because, despite everything, we stick together, we pray together, we share together and you keep us healthy. May this day continue to be like this and may your protective command not be removed from us.

Pour out your mercy on those who do not have the privilege of knowing you, about the people who have chosen to follow other routes that take them away from You, about those who have neglected their spiritual part to dedicate themselves to the things of the world.

Enlighten their hearts, good God, and remove from them all feelings of sadness, envy and despair, let them understand that no one forgets them and that they will always be welcome in the Father’s house.

Thank you God for the day you grant meThank you because you are ready to watch over my actions and help me when I need You. Lord, teach me to be much more humble, to know how to recognize when I am wrong and to know how to apologize to the people I have offended, only then can I grow spiritually and as your servant, my God.

My good God, I will start my day trusting in You, I place all my faith in You and in your divine Providence, Take care of me and protect me from all evil, do not allow me to fall into the disturbances of the enemy and wrap me with your arms of love on this day that will start. All this I ask in the name of Jesus, our Lord, Amen.