Morning prayer for January 23

Thank you blessed Lord, for the rest you gave me and now I wake up with a lot of energy to face the trials I may have today. My lips only want to give you praise and homage knowing that from very early on you already wrap me in your love.

My Lord, nothing compares to you. You place thousands of blessings for me and for the world, you don’t forsake me at any time and you don’t let any need pass. Thank you because you give me a job with which I can support my home and you bring me food to share at home.

Thank you because I have a family that supports me and shows me love. Thank you because we were able to meet you and thereby make you the center of our home. I ask you, my Lord, that this morning my actions may please you, the actions of my family may please you and that you place your powerful hand on us so that you protect us from the evils that may exist in the world.

Merciful God, I ask you for mercy and compassion with people who start their day with some difficulty, with some illness, with some economic problem, with despair or with some very strong sadness. Be the shelter they need, be their consolation, repair the wounds in their hearts and souls. Heal the ills they may have. Blessed Lord, have mercy on the world.

Heavenly Father, walk by my side on this journey, enlighten my steps and lead me along the path of truth to reach You. Do not allow me to fall into temptation, nor let my steps be false. Give me the determination and firmness that your children need to face the enemy and not give up in the test.

Beloved Lord, grant me the courage, the strength, the calm and the stillness to make me wise and to be able to give solutions to the problems that may arise. Grant a lot of profit in my work center to achieve the prosperity and abundance that I am looking for.

Precious God, may your constant blessings not make me forget that You are the most important thing in my life. Make me recognize that I am nothing without You, that every day you draw my attention with your precious creation and that you manifest yourself in all the good things around me.

Divine Lord, allow me to come closer to You daily, grant me the privilege of your company along the path of this journey. Fill me with peace and victory, joy and prosperity. Eternal Father, may I feel part of this beautiful plan that you have prepared.

I am about to start the day by placing my full trust in You. I ask you to listen to this prayer that comes from my noble heart, beloved Father. May this day receive your generosity and abundance without limits. All this I ask in the holy name of your Son, Jesus, our Lord, Amen.