Morning prayer for July 23, 2022

Divine Master, this morning that has just arrived, I want to thank you for having alleviated my fatigue during the break. Because in front of You, I have this new opportunity to serve You and be grateful from the heart. Thank you Lord, because today we begin again to write a new story together.

Thank you my God, because I can wake up wrapped in the mercy of your arms and the sweetness of your gaze. Today I ask you to listen to me and attend to my requests. Lord, guide every step I take firmly and accompany me with your sun, all my morning, because I need You.

Father of goodness, thank you for the precious gift of family that you give me, because one more day I can enjoy your company and learn a little more about your principles. Have the plans they may have Lord, take good care of them and at all times, do not forsake them or forget them please.

You know very well the value they have in my life, that my family is the one who supports me in the worst moments, who share and motivate my achievements and accompany me in difficulties. Help us that through understanding and prayer we unite more, so that love overcomes different ways of thinking that we may naturally have.

In a special way, I would also like to ask you for those people who wake up without purpose or encouragement in their lives, for those who may be living in a spiritual desert and do not know how to get out of it. Be their water Lord, the source of living water that their souls require, light for their darkness and consolation for their hearts.

May your holy and precious Name be what my lips tirelessly pronounce each awakening. For You is all the glory and all the praise of the universe, because you are a very good God, compassionate with those who suffer and very slow in anger or impatience. I take to your cheeks, my praise linked to this prayer with all my love, You always deserve all the best, King of kings.

On this morning, I ask my Lord that all the good things accompany me, that the things that I really do not need, take them away from me, that only your presence is enough for me in life. Do not take your eyes off me please Lord, I want to learn to love you more through everything you offer me.

Don’t let discouragement take control of my life, if today’s things don’t go very well for me. Give me a lot of patience Lord and understanding to know how to accept your will with great humility and patience, because what you plan is always the best for my life.

Allow this day to be of great benefit to my life Lord and May it be You, who disposes of my actions so that they are finally to your liking. I begin another adventure in your presence my God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.