Morning prayer for July 30, 2022

God of glory, a great day has come into my life. Thank you for staying by my side, for helping me sleep peacefully at night, because in your immense love today I feel covered, It is the best to be able to start this great day with all the enthusiastic and hopeful attitude that everything will turn out very well.

Thank you God from my heart because today I have the opportunity to take advantage of this new gift of life, thank you for listening to everything that I asked you in my tiredness and now I am sure that on this day, great things await me and If the tests appear, with you by my side, I will be able to face everything and emerge victorious.

This morning I would like to ask you to help me find a solution to the problems that constantly afflict me, filling my mind with many worries. Be good Lord, welcome all of this and give me the strength I need to not let myself be easily knocked down by those difficult times.

I give myself completely to You Lord, because I am sure that if everything gets dark, your powerful light will ignite my life wherever I am. Help me to be faithful in hope and charity. You are the crook where I put my life so that it is sustained and strengthened.

Blessed Father, this morning give me a heart full of overflowing love. First, heal any wounds he may have, I feel like you should change him. Teach me to be humble like You, so as not to offend You or offend my brothers.

My Lord, I wish that this morning is very profitable for me, that all the actions that I carry out are to your liking. Teach me to value everything you do for me, to know how to act as a true servant of love, so that in prayer, I can find a refuge for my soul and constantly strengthen my life.

Precious God, I ask you this morning, for the lives of people who have woken up with a hopeless vision of life, those who are distressed by economic problems, serious illness or some personal conflict. Help them understand that this is not eternal, that everything passes, that they have faith in You, in your promises because You never fail Lord.

Now, I am about to start this day with the certainty that you are attentive to everything I ask of you, you listen to my prayers and you will give me encouragement. to stay motivated along the way. If difficult moments arise, give me calm to pause, understand that this is part of life and then continue.

That this morning I can consecrate myself to You again. Allow me to have a quiet day full of joy, lots of sharing and lots of fraternal love. Accompany me with your wisdom, to know how to act at the right times, I ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.