Morning prayer for November 1

My good Lord, today I have the joy of being able to wake up on a new day, a day full of expectations that You give me, that is why the first thing I want to do when I get up, is to stand in your presence, because there is no better place than being at your feet to be able to leave you each and every one of my activities . Take my life this day, Lord, and help me to live with joy.

First of all I want to thank you, beloved Lord, because you give me the health that is essential to do everything I have in mind. Blessed God, You know my plans, my goals and those objectives that I have traced in my heart, that is why I thank you, well I want to open the doors of my life to abundance and prosperity.

Thank you also, merciful Lord, because I have my beautiful family by my side and, although it is not perfect and many times we have problems and difficulties, I know that You are the fundamental basis of my home, You support us and lift us up, You help us to face life without giving up, nor allow ourselves to be defeated.

As I am not going to raise my hands to heaven on this day and I will thank you, if you give me friends to count on, and perhaps along the way I have discovered lies and hypocrisies of false friendships, but in the end, I know that you put the right people by my side, those who can build my life and be by my side in the most difficult moments.

With all my heart, Father of my life, I want on this day, through this prayer, to place in your most precious hands each one of my hopes, those problems that are so difficult for me to solve and all the needs that I go through with you. my beloved ones. Take them, Father of goodness, and do what you will.

On this day that rises across the sky, my beloved Lord, I ask you to help me face the challenges that come my way. Give me the necessary wisdom to be able to solve misfortunes, discernment to make good decisions and patience not to despair in moments of anguish, anger or sadness.

Do not let despair overwhelm me, my God of love, instill in me your spirit of courage and if things on this day do not turn out as I expect, teach me to keep faith, to stand firm on the path, because your promises are clear to me and to all of us who believe in your Word, Mister.

Allow, my beloved Lord, that on this day I can fulfill each of my activities with success, good health and with the satisfaction of having put my best effort into achieving them. I know that You help me get ahead, that is why I leave everything to your holy and perfect will, my God.

Stay with me and my family, blessed Lord, do not allow temptations to divide us or take us away from You. I am sure that You take us by the hand and guide us through paths of joy, blessing and happiness, in the name of Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, Amen.