Morning prayer for November 6

Divine Lord, the sun’s rays fall on my window, as a sign that a new day has begun. I stand up and I can only thank you, blessed Father, Well, you have had mercy on me, you have taken care of me during the night and now you give me a new day full of opportunities to fulfill all my dreams and desires.

It is morning and I look at the sky to thank you, dear Lord, for giving me the opportunity to be alive, to wake up with the people I love and to be able to start my day holding your hand. Even in the silence of the morning that just got up, I want to ask you to infuse me with your peace, to act serene in these violent times and strength, so that the spirit that dwells within me burns with your love.

Today I stand before You, my beloved Father, to entrust my life and each of the activities that I will carry out today. Please take all my efforts and anoint them with your power, walk with me Lord and help me to carry out all my obligations with enthusiasm, optimism and thinking that everything will be for a better life.

I trust in You, God of my life, and I trust that You take my sacrifice, my work and what I offer you with my heart. I want to walk along paths of joy, happiness and much prosperity, beloved Father. May abundance come into my life and that of my family, because we need your blessing.

I ask that on this day, glorious Lord, it is You who accompanies me to all the places where I go. Take care of me in the face of the dangers of the world, keep me away from hatred and evil and that resentment has no place in my life, beloved Lord. Help me know how to recognize the false friend and keep those loyal friends who accompany me through thick and thin.

I want to be, on this day my beloved God, an instrument of your peace. Use me, my God, as that tool of love that comes from You. That I can have sweet words with my brothers, that they can feel your love through me. Help me, wonderful Lord and accompany me everywhere I go.

On this day also, incomparable Lord, I want to ask you to be the one who provides the material, spiritual and emotional needs of my home. Please put food on my table through a job that brings sustenance to my home, bring us closer to You so that we can be under your divine protection and unite us with your unbreakable bonds of love, to be a true family.

Only You know my burdens, my doubts, my fears, that’s why I also ask you, on this beautiful day that is just beginning, Lord, to help me leave all fear aside and make me brave to face this day without fear, willing to fight fairly for my ideals and to do my best to get ahead.

I am sure that it will be so because You are with me. Protect me from all evil and allow me to return safely to my home. Stay with me throughout the hours, minutes and seconds of this your day and guide my steps to find the right path to true happiness. All this I ask and I thank you in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.