Dear brothers of our channel I believe in God, may the Lord grant you many blessings and a pleasant rest tonight.

Normally in our day to day we carry heavy or bad energies, be they sadness, anger, violence, hate, envy or some other, which make us arrive at the end of the afternoon full of problems, which only make us let us burden ourselves with stress and anguish, which end up damaging even our physical and mental health.

To counteract this situation, today we share this beautiful Night Prayer, to thank God first of all for all his blessings and for him to help and comfort us so we can sleep in peace.

We invite you to pray this prayer at night, consecrating our lives to the Lord, and with the sweet certainty that he will take care of us, give us the peace we need and fill us with his blessings.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Dear Jesus of Nazareth, on this new night I greet you with great love, to put my whole life and my being in your hands, because today I want to thank you first of all, for all the blessings you give me every day, because I know that although I don’t value them normally, you give me a roof, food and above all, the blessing of having my health and strength, to face the world every day.

Beloved Jesus, you love me as I am and although you know me, you are not disgusted by my sins, so speak to my ear and heart, direct me and help me not to make any more mistakes and to get out of my self-centeredness, because you accept me as and as I am and you do not judge me, you instruct me through your word and fill me with love and peace.

I want to put my faith in you my Beloved Jesus, because you help me at all times, especially when I am in crisis, in my most serious problems, and in my stormy days and nights you take care of me, you inspire me and you are aware of everything that happens to me, you never leave me alone, my Lord.

Blessed Jesus, today I bring several anxieties and concerns, however, especially on this night, I want to ask for your great intervention, to help me, to enlighten me and give me understanding, to resolve this difficulty that I have not been able to solve. :

(At this moment, with great humility of heart, tell our beloved Jesus the difficulty you have, and ask for his blessed help)

Dear blessed God, you are faithful and always available to me, despite my multiple offenses towards you, despite my prolonged forgetfulness, but you do not judge me and on the contrary you understand me and tell me that you definitely love me, that you forgive me and that you want to see me free from the ties of the world and being happy.

Divine Master, I know that your love for me is unconditional and will never change, and that makes me trust you because you do not fail me; you are close to me and you rejoice with my joys and you are sensitive to my pain, you do not ignore me and you are present in my life at all times, you are present for me when I need you, you never abandon me and less in the hardest moments and difficult, although the whole world turns its back on me, you never forget me and that is why I love you, trust you and praise you and proclaim you as my King and Lord.

The immense love you have for me, oh Lord my God, is what sustains me, you satisfy all my needs, even the most hidden because you know me. You provide my life with what I need to live in dignity, you free me from my temptations, you encourage me to persevere in prayer and you inspire me to stay away from evil. You Lord allow me to solve my problems and keep me away from my fears and fears, you help me to abandon my hatred and resentments and cleanse my heart of resentment.

You never fail me my beautiful Savior, you believe that I can be a good person, that I can change my bad attitudes and that is why you free me from my rebellions and give meaning to my life. You always come to meet me even when I don’t call you, you are always here for me because you know my weaknesses and weaknesses and you want to protect me from my bad decisions.

Now that I am about to rest, I do so trusting in your love and mercy, that is why I ask you Lord Jesus, that you also remember my less favored brothers, those who endure so much depression, those who do not find a meaning in life and all those who are sad and overwhelmed by so many sorrows. I also beg you for my brothers who suffer the wickedness of their leaders and for those who suffer from illness, lack of shelter or food, and for those who are in prisons and on the streets experiencing need, cold, violence or hungry, and I beg you to give me a generous heart so that I can help them wherever you put me.

Lord Jesus, my good and beloved Savior, thank you for listening to me, thank you for dedicating a few minutes of your precious time to this humble sinner, who wants to get closer to you, so that you may be his guide and protection, forever.


Brothers, with joy and to accompany our prayer let us make the Creed, an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory. an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.

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