Noah’s ark

In the Bible we find stories of men and women who performed miracles thanks to their faith in God. A perfect example of this can be found in the story of noah, a man who made a difference in his generation by staying just and upright before God, while others were lost in their wickedness. In fact, in the Old Testament, the book of Genesis tells us about this servant whom God warned and delivered from the great flood that destroyed the human race. We invite you to discover the biblical passage narrating the story of the flood and Noah’s ark next:

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The story of Noah in the Bible

“1 Then the Lord said to Noah: “Enter the ark, together with all your family, because I have seen that you are the only truly righteous one in the midst of this generation.
2 It bears seven pairs of all the species of clean animals and one pair of the impure ones, the males with their females
3 – also seven pairs of all kinds of birds – to perpetuate their species on earth.
4 For in seven days I will cause it to rain for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe out all the creatures I have made from the surface of the earth.”
5 And Noah fulfilled the order that God gave him.
The Beginning of the Flood
6 When the waters of the Flood rushed over the earth, Noah was six hundred years old.
7 Then he entered the ark with his sons, his wife and his sons’ wives, to save themselves from the waters of the Deluge.
8 And the clean animals, the unclean ones, the birds and all the creatures that crawl on the ground,
9 They went in pairs with him into the ark, as God had commanded them.
10 After seven days, the waters of the Deluge fell on the earth.
11 Noah was six hundred years old, and it was the seventeenth day of the second month. On that day, the fountains of the great ocean overflowed and the cataracts of heaven were opened.
12 And heavy rain fell on the land for forty days and forty nights.
13 That same day, Noah, his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, his wife, and the three wives of his sons had entered the ark;
14 and along with them, the animals of all kinds: wild animals, cattle, creeping things, birds, and all other winged animals.
15 All classes of beings that are animated by a breath of life entered the ark with Noah; and they did it in pairs,
16 males and females, as God had commanded. So the Lord closed the ark behind Noah.
The Flood
17 The Deluge fell on the earth for forty days. As the waters rose, they carried the ark up, and it rose above the earth.
18 The waters rose in level and grew immeasurably on the earth, while the ark floated on the surface.
19 So they went higher and higher, until everywhere the mountains were submerged, even the highest.
20 The water level rose more than seven meters above the mountains.
21 Then all the creatures that moved on the earth perished: the birds, the cattle, the beasts, all the animals that creep on the ground, and also the men.
22 Everything that had the breath of life in its nostrils died, everything that was on solid ground.
23 Thus all creatures on earth were destroyed, from man to cattle. the reptiles and the birds of the sky. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained.
24 And the waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.”

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Noah and the flood

His relationship with God not only saved Noah from the flood, but also his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives. The story of Noah reveals to us how precious our faith is, and reminds us in these times that with Jesus we can move mountains, because nothing is impossible for those who believe: in fact, our trust in God has the power to free us from floods , depression, illness, fear and everything that overwhelms us… Everyone who hides in this ark, which is Christ, will have peace and security at all times. In this way, we will be able to shout like the sons of Korah: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever ready help in danger. That’s why we don’t fear, even if the earth shakes and the mountains collapse to the bottom of the sea ” (Psalm 46:2-3).

With , trust in God like Noah did

We know that Noah trusted God and his personal relationship with Him saved him from death. At we believe that daily prayer and the word of God help us to strengthen our relationship with the Lord, which is why we offer you various online prayer communities so that you can experience these moments and make them part of your daily life. For example, you can:

  • Join the community “the reflection of the day” and receive every day a good dose of spiritual food through the Holy Scriptures.
  • Be part of the community “the Gospel of the day” so that every morning you receive a meditation taken from a spiritual leader, so that you can better assimilate the Word of God in your heart.
  • Discover how God comes to meet you through the Bible through lectio divina, which allows you to start a conversation with God and promotes spiritual growth.

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