Novena of Santa Luzia | 1st to 9th Day Complete and Step by Step

Nowadays the novena of Santa Luzia It has become highly sought after due to its enormous powers.

This prayer has different purposes from the 1st to the 9th day that really helps people.

There are several days in which each of us asks for a different grace.

We ask for life in general, for health, for work and even for family relationships.

That’s why praying to her is so long… All because there are 9 days of prayer for all the good things in life.

If you want to learn how to pray it through a step-by-step text and video, just continue reading below.

How to pray the Santa Luzia novena?

The process of praying a novena is incredibly simple.

We must pray it for 9 days in a row.

Each day has a specific prayer and a fixed prayer.

In this case there is a prayer that is said at the end of the novena that is always the same and other than that only a few words that Saint Luzia says vary.

See the step by step:

  1. Make the sign of the cross and start by crossing yourself;
  2. We pray the prayer of the day (it will vary from the first to the ninth);
  3. We pray the prayer of Saint Luzia (it is always the same);
  4. Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be to the Father;
  5. Sign of the cross again and it is complete.

Basically, a prayer will only vary from day to day.

This prayer varies because each day asks for something different. One day he asks for health, the next for happiness and so on.

The process is quite simple. You just need to save our website to come back here every day to pray the novena on the desired day.

Prayer for every day

The prayer below is that of every day of the novena.

Therefore, you must save it or return to our website daily as you will need to pray it every day.

After seeing it we can move on to the first day of the novena!

Lord Jesus, who sees everything: Nothing is hidden from Your gaze: deliver us from all evils and do not allow us to fall into adversity;

With Your Holy Eyes guide our vision, keeping it away from temptation, greed, envy and greed;

Allow us to see the path of Truth, the Light of Life, to see Your Face in the face of each brother;

Teach us to look at what is straight, clear, transparent;

Use our eyes to see as You, Lord;

the beautiful with depth, with kindness; to have the Lord have a meek, serene, humble look and that we can see our brother with respect and be servants to others;

Bless Lord Jesus, all our eyes, until the hour of our death.


Saint Luzia Novena: 1st Day

The first day of prayer is one of the most important.

It’s the beginning of the novena and it’s when you need to have more faith because it’s the beginning of this journey you’re committing to.

Make the sign of the cross and say the following prayer:

Let us remember the Birth of the Baby Jesus, where God, seeing how his people were, sent his Son Jesus to save us. (Lc 2, 7) May we learn from the Baby Jesus to look at the world like a child, without evil, with purity, joy and innocence.

After this prayer, you must pray the prayer for every day that is at the beginning of this article.

Now the Glory, the Our Father and the Hail Mary are enough.

Make the sign of the cross and you can consider the first day complete.

The procedure for the remaining days will be similar, changing only the first prayer.

Novena Santa Luzia: 2nd Day

The second day is also very beautiful and intense. Just follow the first steps to pray.

You have to start with prayer:

Jesus in the Temple sees and talks to the doctors of the law so that they observe God’s teachings. (Lc 2, 46) It is an obligation to learn to respect, look at and fulfill God’s Commandments.

After that, you can move on to prayer, which is the same for every day.

End again with the Glory, Our Father and Hail Mary.

You can cross yourself and consider the day over.

Santa Luzia: 3rd Day

I’m very happy that you made it to the third day without giving up.

Know that it is on this day that most people abandon prayers, something that should never happen.

Let’s pray something very strong and beautiful on this day.

Jesus sees the discrimination and the attempted stoning of the sinful woman who had been caught in adultery, and he intervenes saying: “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

May Jesus allow that, when we look inside ourselves, we know how to move away from sin, following the path of truth and life, and looking at Jesus’ attitude we can be more supportive of each other. (John 8, 1-11)

After praying these beautiful biblical chapters, you can end this day with the usual prayers.

Never forget to pray the daily prayer, it is very important in this complete novena.

Santa Luzia: 4th Day

The fourth day It’s for even more persistent peoplejust like you who arrived here.

The faith he has within his heart is enormous and the proof of this is that he prays every day without any failure.

We have to pray the fourth day prayer to start the novena.

It’s short, but truly beautiful and powerful!

Jesus, the Son of God, a Man who had power, sees the persistence of those blind people in seeking him and heals them. (mt 20, 29-34) (Mc 10,51-52) (Lc 18,42-43)

May Jesus not only heal our physical ills, but mainly heal our eyes, so that we see everyone and everything with the Look of Christ, with meekness, purity, moving away from malice, temptations and evil.

Now that you have the main prayer prayed, you can finish with the other prayers you have been praying every day.

Shall we move on to the 5th day? Tomorrow I’ll see you here again!

Novena to Santa Luzia: 5th Day

If you have reached the fifth day, it is because you are not having difficulty praying the novena.

I am very happy for you, you are really showing enormous determination in finishing these prayers.

For the 5th day, we have a biblical episode in which Jesus realizes that he was betrayed by his own friends.

On the night of Holy Supper, Jesus breaks the bread and distributes it along with the wine to his disciples, showing them that he is now His Body and Blood.

That same night Jesus, seeing with the Eyes of the Heart, knew that he would be betrayed and who would betray him, yet the Father’s will was fulfilled. (Luke 22, 1-23)

Reflect on this episode. See how Jesus acted and how he didn’t give up on his greatest goals!

After reflection, you can finish with the normal novena prayers.

6th Day of this beautiful novena

This day helps us to know how to appreciate people’s goodwill.

But, above all, for you to learn that you must respect to be respected.

It is a day dedicated to coexistenceto the family relationships and also aimed at friends.

Watch and pray the biblical episode where the faithful accompany Jesus.

When we look at the Consecration in the Holy Mass, we remember the moment when the disciples accompanied Jesus.

May He accompany us at all times, let us ask Jesus to teach us to look at people and things with the eyes of the heart to obtain discernment for our actions.

Follow Jesus’ example.

He is our light, the way to follow and our true example!

7th Day of this beautiful novena

The seventh day is undoubtedly very special and is one of the most beautiful of this novena.

It shows Jesus crucifying himself, giving his life for all of us.

He exchanged his own life, truly suffering, so that we would all be okay.

And yet, managed to forgive those who did such evil to him.

Jesus, already crucified, giving his life to save us, sees his Mother Mary next to his disciple John, and says:

“Woman is her Son, Son is his Mother”; in this way he shows us that He left us a Mother and that today he intercedes for us with his Son. (John 19, 25-27)

Reflect on this biblical episode. Learn to forgive, to look beyond your well-being.

After truly reflecting, continue with your prayers and consider the day over.

Only 2 days left… I’m counting on you here tomorrow!

8th day of the novena

Today we will pray for mothers and brothers.

Not just our mothers, but all the mothers in the world who made enormous sacrifices to raise their children.

It’s a very important day because we will value every woman who suffered, but who managed to be a mother.

The prayer for the 8th day is as follows:

Let us remember the words of Jesus, and let us look more carefully and affectionately at our mothers, at abandoned mothers, at mothers who for some reason are in nursing homes, at our brothers;

If you want, before finishing with the normal prayers, you can also ask your mother.

It could be for health, prosperity and happiness in general.

Santa Luzia: 9th Day

I am very happy to know that you have reached the end of this novena and that you are on the ninth day.

Believe me, few people make it to the 9th day of the Saint Luzia Novena.

Today we pray the existence and good will of God.

It is a very important day that you should not let pass by.

The Roman guard (Centurion) at the foot of the cross, looks at Jesus already crucified and dead, when he has already expired and says: “He is truly the Son of God, …, he was Just”;

End, once again, with daily prayer and with the Glory, the Our Father and the Hail Mary.

More prayers and novenas:

Today we come across the Santa Luzia novena, an incredibly powerful and special prayer.

Try to pray without interruptions, only then will it be efficient.

If you can, gather your whole family and pray together.

The power of prayer will be even greater when used in a group.

Stay with the presence of God Our Lord.