Novena to Saint Joseph the Worker to find work

Why this ninth?

On this occasion, we offer the Novena of San José Obrero, which is a very powerful tool so that God allows us get a good job through the intercession of Saint Joseph the worker.

Our objective is to ask San José Obrero to intercede to obtain the grace of finding a decent job, either for yourself or for someone close to you.

Beginning of the ninth 🆕:

The “contempl-action” It is the center of this novena. In other words: “A god begging and with the hammer giving”!.

The principle, then, is that you put everything to work, as far as possible, to find a job. Furthermore, it is necessary to let the sentence feed and direct their daily acts, on the other hand, they must give themselves entirely to the grace of godthrough the intercession of Saint Joseph the Worker.

3 concrete actions that we propose:

✔️If you are looking for a job: ask someone close to you to support you in this novena, that is, to support you with their prayer and encourage you to do the events for each day.

✔️If your friend is looking for a job: invite him to join this novena and support him by praying for him and with him. You should also encourage him to do the events for each day.

✔️Pray in secret for you or your loved one who is looking for a job.

Ninth program:

-Day 1: “Let the dead bury their dead.”
-Day 2: parable of the foolish man
-Day 3: parable of the treasure and the pearl.
-Day 4: parable of the talents
-Day 5: parable of the house on the rock
-Day 6: parable of the Sower.
-Day 7: ask, call, seek.
-Day 8: the worker of the last hour.
-Day 9: miraculous catch.

💡 Trust your intentions right now to Saint Joseph and pray for the intentions that have been left on this specially created page.

Specifically, each day you will receive:

  • A gospel textthat is, a piece of advice from Jesus in person, to guide you in your job search.
  • a concrete act that the job seeker must perform that same day (the order of the acts must be respected to find the desired job).
  • Daily prayer to Saint Joseph the Workerpatron saint of all workers, whose feast day is May 1!
  • A Our father, a Ave Mariaand the invocation: “Saint Joseph, pray for us!”

💡 Pro tip:

Be two when praying: the person looking for a job and their “support”, this will allow them to motivate each other and give each other encouragement. Regarding the above, the Bible says:

Because where there are two or three gathered in my Name, I am present in their midst.

-Matthew 18: 20 (The Book of the People of God version)

Invite Jesus to pray, try to confess and receive the Eucharist during this novena!

-Image from