Online prayer retreats and novenas: prayer communities

Very often we hear it said that “praying is talking to God”, which is very true, however, prayer goes far beyond pronouncing words: praying also consists of establish a personal relationship with God and to listen to him is to allow oneself to be loved by him and to respond to his love. When we pray we spend time with the Lord, in an encounter with Him. Saint Teresa of Ávila referred to this by saying: “Praying does not consist in thinking a lot, but in loving a lot”. In fact, the great advantage of prayer is that we can all do it, regardless of whether we are Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, baptized or not, because the Lord is always present and ready for us to welcome him into our lives through prayer. invites you to discover many proposals for online prayer to help you pray daily in a simple and varied way.

Novenas and retreats to pray daily to the Lord

prayer is the center and origin of the life of every Christian: it is “the secret of a truly vital Christianity” as Saint John Paul II said. In fact, Jesus taught us to pray through the Our Father and showed us the example of a prayer life so that we ourselves may follow in his footsteps. In the same way that we feed our bodies daily, it is necessary to feed our souls every day. For this reason, offers you various prayer communities online for you to pray daily, either through ninthsthat is, by praying for 9 consecutive days for a specific intention, or by withdrawalsin which you set aside time alone with God and disconnect for a moment from daily activities to be with Him. For example, you can meditate on biblical texts and themes, pray with the liturgy of the hours, the Gospel of the day and other proposals from ‘s online prayer communities. Whichever option you choose, the essential thing is that you let prayer be the center of your day to day life.

Novenas and retreats to pray with the Saints and the Virgin

Saints occupy an important place in the Catholic religion, so it is not surprising that many people pray with the saints to ask them to intercede for us before the Lord. For this reason, invites you to ask for their intercession through various novenas and retreats specific: novena to Santa Rita for desperate cases, novena to Our Lady of Lourdes to ask for healing, novena to San José to find a job or a partner, etc. In any case, daily prayer, whether through retreats or novenas, will allow us develop our spiritual life and strengthen the foundations of our faith by following the example of the saints of the Lord.

Therefore, invites you to stop for a moment and pray in the way that best suits your needs, and best of all: you can do it! online from anywhere!