Phrases of the Holy Curé of Ars

Prayers to the Holy Curé of Ars

Saint John Mary Vianney, also called the Cure of Ars he was known during his life for having an effective prayer, with which he obtained many miracles, healings and graces. He himself stated: “I got from the Lord everything I wanted, for myself and for others.”

Today, many Christians, both lay and priestsresort to his powerful intercession and pray to him in union with Saint Philomenawhom he was very fond of. It is customary to pray to this wonderful saint especially for the priests and priestly vocations, being proclaimed as the “patron saint of all parish priests in the universe” by Pius XI. In fact, among his prayers The most effective are the novena and the recitation of the Holy Rosary, with the meditation of the joyful, sorrowful mysteries Y glorious. Next, we present the most beautiful prayers of the Cure of Ars.

Prayer for the intercession of the Holy Cure of Ars and Saint Philomena

“Oh Holy Curé of Ars, a witness of your life said this phrase about you: “We would have taken him for an angel in a mortal body”.

You built up so many others: modesty and exquisite purity radiated from your body. With that charm and with that enthusiasm you preached to others about those beautiful virtues that you said resembled the perfume of a flowering vineyard.

Please, I implore you to add your pleas to those of Mary Immaculate and Saint Philomena so that I may always keep, as God asks me, the purity of my heart. You, who have led so many souls to the heights of virtue, defend me in temptations and obtain for me the strength to conquer them.”


“Holy Curé of Ars, I have confidence in your intercession.

Pray for me and especially for… (mention your special intentions here silently).”

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

“Oh Saint John Vianney, patron saint of priests,

Pray for us and for all priests!


Source: Acipresa

prayer for priests

“Almighty and everlasting God,
look at the face of your Divine Son and,
for love of Him, have mercy on your priests.
Remember that they are nothing but
weak and frail creatures,
keep alive in them the fire of your love
and save them so that the enemy does not prevail
against them and in no time
become unworthy of their holy calling.
I pray for your faithful and fervent priests, for those who work near or in distant missions
and for those who have abandoned you.
O Jesus! I beg you
for your young and old priests,
for those who are sick or dying
and for the souls of those in purgatory.
O Jesus! I beg you
by the priest who baptized me,
for the priests who forgive my sins,
for those whose masses I have attended and attend,
for those who instructed and advised me,
for everyone i have
some reason for gratitude.
O Jesus! Keep them all in your Heart, grant them abundant blessings in time and in eternity. Amen.”

Prayer for the priesthood and vocations

“Lord Jesus, with Saint John-Mary Vianney,
we entrust to you all the priests we know, those we met, those who helped us, those whom you give us today as Fathers
You called each one by name;
for each one we praise you and we beseech you:
keep them in fidelity to Your name;
You who consecrated them so that in Your name, they may be our shepherds,
give them your strength, confidence and joy
to carry out its mission.
May the Eucharist they celebrate feed them
and give them the courage to offer themselves to You for all their sheep; may they be immersed in Your merciful heart so that they may always be witnesses of your forgiveness; that they be true worshipers of the Father so that they teach us the true path of holiness.
Father, with them, we offer ourselves to Christ for the Church: may she be missionary in the breath of your Spirit; that we learn to love them, respect them and receive them as a gift that comes from Your hand,
so that together with them we all accomplish more Your work for salvation.

The sermons and phrases of Saint John Mary Vianney

The Cure of Ars He deeply touched hearts with his words. In fact, he is famous for his memorable sermons and for all the lessons of catechism that he gave in the evenings to the great crowd that gathered to listen to him and confess with him in his church in Ars. Below we offer you the main themes of their homilies Y quotes related.

the virgin mary

“Everything that the Son asks of the Father is granted. Everything that the Mother asks of the Son is granted in a similar way… Should this commit us to address her with great trust because she is always attentive.”

“If we want to show God that we love Him, we have to fulfill His holy will. The surest way to know God’s will is to pray to our good Mother.”

“When our hands have touched aromas, they perfume everything they touch. Let us pass our prayers through the hands of the Holy Virgin, she will perfume them.”

The sentence

“It is not the long or pretty prayers that the good Lord looks at, but those that come from the bottom of the heart, with great respect and a true desire to please God.”

“How he likes a small room now that we steal from our occupations, from some useless things, to pray”

“Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there in a field. If a fire is kindled, the flame burns little, but if the scattered straw is gathered together, the flame becomes abundant and rises to heaven: such is public prayer.”

Confession and the mercy of God

“Our mistakes are grains of sand next to the great mountain of God’s mercy.”

“When the priest gives absolution, it is necessary to think of only one thing: that the blood of the good Lord is poured on our soul to wash it, purify it and make it beautiful as it was after baptism.”

“The good Lord, at the moment of absolution, throws our sins behind his back, that is, he forgets, cancels them: they will never reappear.”

The Sacrament of the Eucharist and Communion

“The nourishment of the soul is the body and blood of a God. If one thinks about it, one can be lost for eternity in this abyss of love!”

“All good works together are not equivalent to the sacrifice of the Mass, because they are the works of men, while the Holy Mass is the work of God.”

“You do not say that you are not worthy. It is true: you are not worthy, but you need it.”

The priesthood of the priest

“Are you going to confess to the Holy Virgin or to an angel. Will they absolve you? Will they give you the body and blood of Our Lord? No, the Holy Virgin cannot make her divine Son descend into the host. Even if you had two hundred angels for you there, they could not absolve you. A priest, no matter how simple, can do it. He can tell you: walk in peace, I forgive you.”

“A good pastor, a pastor after God’s heart, is the greatest treasure that the good God can grant to a parish and one of the most precious gifts of divine mercy.”