Pilgrims of Emmaus

In the Gospel of Luke we find the account of the encounter between Jesus risen Y two of his disciples in the road to emmaus. In fact, that was the moment when they were able to see the Resurrected Christbut they did not recognize him. To tell the truth, this passage from the Bible reveals that the disciples were actually sad and discouraged because they did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Let’s accompany the pilgrims of emmaus and find out how the words of jesus Y the piece of bread they allowed them to finally recognize the Lord.

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The story of the pilgrims of Emmaus

“13 That same day, two of the disciples were going to a small town called Emmaus, located about six miles from Jerusalem.
14 On the way they talked about what had happened.
15 While they were talking and arguing, Jesus himself came up and kept walking with them.
16 But something prevented his eyes from recognizing him.
17 He said to them, “What were you saying on the way?” They stopped, with sad countenance,
18 and one of them, named Cleopas, answered him: «You are the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know what happened in these days!».
19 “What thing?” he asked them. They replied: “What concerns Jesus, the Nazarene, who was a mighty prophet in deed and word before God and all the people,
20 and how our chief priests and our leaders handed him over to be put to death and crucified him.
21 We hoped that he would deliver Israel. But all this has been three days since these things happened.
22 It is true that some women who are with us have puzzled us: they went to the tomb early in the morning
23 and when they did not find the body of Jesus, they returned saying that angels had appeared to them, assuring them that he is alive.
24 Some of our people went to the tomb and found everything as the women had said. But they didn’t see him.”
25 Jesus said to them, “You hard-hearted men, how hard it is for you to believe everything that the prophets have announced!
26 Will it not be necessary for the Messiah to endure these sufferings in order to enter into his glory?”
27 And beginning with Moses and continuing in all the Scriptures that referred to him.
28 When they came near the town where they were going, Jesus made a move to go on.
29 But they insisted, “Stay with us, because it is already late and the day is over.” He gets in and stayed with them.
30 And being at the table, he took the bread and pronounced the blessing; then she broke it and gave it to him.
31 Then the eyes of the disciples were opened and they recognized him, but he had disappeared from their sight.
32 And they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning as he spoke to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”
33 At that very moment, they set off and returned to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven gathered together and the others who were with them,
34 and they said to them, “It is true, the Lord has risen and appeared to Simon!”
35 They, for their part, told what had happened to them on the way and how they had recognized him when they broke bread. (Luke 24: 18-35).

Who do you say I am?

The answer to this question determines our attitude and the value we give to the words of Jesus. For the pilgrims to Emmaus, Jesus wasa prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people” (Luke 24:19). Let us bear in mind that, if we believe that Jesus is only a prophet, his death will be synonymous with sadness, because God did not say that he was going to resurrect a prophet, but rather Christ. Therefore, when Simon Peter replied: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!” (Matthew 16:16), Jesus told him that he was blessed to have received this revelation from the Father directly. In fact, when we see Jesus as he is, our joy becomes perfect because we realize that nothing is stronger than him, not even death.

In the Center of your life? Jesus Christ!

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Bread and wine

What does this mean for us today? It can be said that this story contains many lessons about the risen Jesus and teaches us not only that he is always there for us when we feel sad and lost, but also that he is always willing to enlighten us and teach us his word with patience and kindness. . Furthermore, this passage teaches us that the food He gives us enlightens our intelligence. In fact, the bread and wine symbolize the body and blood of the Lord that were given for us: it is a sacred meal that we must eat remembering the sacrifice that Jesus was willing to make for us, knowing that through his body broken and his blood shed, our needs are met and our faults are forgiven.

The encounter with the risen Jesus

At times, as we walk the path of our lives, we can feel discouraged. For example, when we experience consecutive failures in work, studies or family life, all we want is to stop and not continue on the path. Some of us take courage and continue walking but with a broken heart with sadness, and it is precisely at this point that we must meet the risen Jesus. Let us remember that Christ experienced terrible suffering, ridicule, betrayal, and even death for love of us. In fact, there is good news for us: He is resurrected, has come back to life and is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven! Let us listen to his Words, so that our faith may be revived and we may continue on the path with a joyful heart.

Walk with Jesus thanks to the communities of !

Let us follow the example of the pilgrims to Emmaus and open our hearts to Jesus to receive his teachings. In fact, invites you to take the time to review the events of your life in light of the Gospel through this online community. You can also explore these communities dedicated to Jesus, so that you can welcome the action of him in your life. Finally, we invite you to have a regular appointment with Jesus by subscribing to this prayer community that allows you to receive the daily Gospel with the comments and reflections of a spiritual guide.

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