Powerful prayer to achieve a miracle

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for the blessings you pour out on me.Thank you my Lord because every day I can witness your love, your compassion, your understanding and your constant concern for me and what I want. Right now I want to raise this prayer to You, because I know that what is impossible for me is certainly possible in your eyes.

Blessed Father, my life revolves around you. All my plans, my goals, my dreams, I always put them in your hands, because You are the miracle worker, because only You have the power to make everything I have dreamed of come true and that often seems unattainable.

Lord, I want you to be the one who directs my life and my destiny, to be the one who takes the reins and guides me on the correct path of truth and life, I do not want to go hand in hand with anyone but you, my God, because only You know what is best for my life, You know what I really need and You are attentive to my needs, like that kind and loving Father that You are.

You know my situation, beloved Lord, You know that right now I need You more than ever, because only a miracle can help me, a wonderful work that comes from You, my incomparable God. For You there is nothing that cannot be done, there is nothing that is so difficult and complicated, because You are the Lord of everything and everyone, You are the one who directs our lives and in whom I put my trust.

You, my beautiful God, who were able to divide the seas, to resurrect the dead, to heal the sick and many more feats, are the only one capable of being able to attend to this plea that I carry in my heart. You know what it is, Lord of my life, because whether it is an illness, a pain that I cannot heal, my family, my business or whatever it is, I put it in your hands, my Lord, so that you help me to achieve that miracle that I long for, according to your holy and perfect will.

Many have failed me, My God, but You have never done it and I am sure that you never will, because you really love me, because I am your son and you always look for the best for me; you do not leave me or forsake me, you are always in my favor because you are good and your mercy is forever.

Do not allow me to fall into fear, into despair because of this situation that seems impossible to resolve, my Lord, Well, I know that You support me, I know that You give me the strength to continue, and if it is not yet in your plans to fulfill the desire of this son of yours, I also know that you will give me enough strength to continue walking in faith. , without stopping believing in You and in your power for a single second.

Take my life, beloved Lord, take my heart and give me the calm I need in these difficult times. I trust in You, my God, but I also ask you to give me the necessary patience to wait for your perfect times, to wait for your precious will.

Accompany me every moment, my God, and please, help me to achieve this miracle, beloved Lord, You know how much my heart longs for it, You know how many times I have cried out to heaven asking for this favor, because it is only in your hands, my blessed God, because there is nothing I can do. I am just a son of yours who is willing at your mercy, please hear my prayer.

You do not know of the impossible, Father, You only know of truths, of love and peace. Only You can do everything, because you are Almighty, because with a single touch of your hands in my life, everything will be solved. Because with just one look from you, I will be able to be healed, because with just a breath of your spirit, I will be able to see what my heart desires so much and that only You can grant.

I stay with you, my miraculous God, because I know that you hear my cry, because I know that you know my situation and that You will do what is best for my life and the lives of those I love. I stay by your side Lord, no matter what happens, because I know that your plans are better than mine, and just as you give me joy when what my heart desires comes true, I know that you give me comfort when your will is different. , Mister. Accompany me and give me what I need, my God, because You know it well.

Thank you, blessed Lord, for being by my side and allowing me these moments of prayer. Thank you for looking straight into my heart. Thank you, my great Lord, because with you I have everything I need to move forward, trusting that You sustain my life now and always, in the glorious name of Jesus, Amen.