Practice “Carpe Diem” with Hildegard of Bingen

A Christian Carpe Diem?

Horace’s Latin expression is well known, which says “welcome the present without worrying about tomorrow” and that is linked to the search for pleasure and vanities. However, Benedict XVI explains the Christian meaning of this formula: “Embrace the day when God calls you to give you salvation”that is, place your trust and fidelity in the Lord, and cultivate Hope in Redemption!

The lightness of life has as its reward the virtue of joy.

Joy welcomes humility: it is born in the contrast of our strengths and weaknesses, it relativizes, it does not take itself seriously, it trusts and accepts letting go.

Joy springs from oneself: it is a movement that resembles love and gratuitousness, which consists of rejoicing in the happiness of the other and which has its roots in kindness. Joy germinates in those moments of total availability and introspection.

Joy goes towards unity: joy appears in the simplicity of what is an inner evidence: “I am here and this is good”. It is built in the present moment. It is calm and it is peace. It does not depend on any external circumstance.

For 9 days:
you will receive a new recipe of Saint Hildegard 🥙
to live the Christian Carpe Diem fully and concretely.

Why this ninth?

What if you decided to make today a masterpiece and enjoy it by living life to the fullest? This is the question that this novena will ask you every day. For it, let’s get into the dynamic of this extraordinary and very active woman for us to be reached by the “joy arrows“(CS Lewis), for us to look for this”enjoy God” (Xavier Tilliette) in our daily lives and so that, finally, we undertake resolutely “the wings of dawn— Psalm 138.

Program of the ninth 💫

Day 1 – In the room: heart care.
Day 2 – In the bathroom: taking care of your own sexuality.
Day 3 – In the kitchen: caring for the senses.
Day 4 – In the office: taking care of the mind.
Day 5 – In the living room: caring for the environment.
Day 6 – In the attic: caring for talents.
Day 7 – In the oratory: the care of the soul.
Day 8 – In the garden: caring for the environment.
Day 9 – In the garage: taking care of belongings.

Who was Hildegard of Bingen?

A native of the Rhineland, Germany, nun, abbess, and ultimately founder of female monasteries, itinerant preacher, physician, naturalist, musician and painter, Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was above all a visionary and a mystic of the highest order. She was quickly beatified, her canonization and recognition as Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI was made to wait until 2012. In her we find a mysterious and amazing personality, deeply inhabited by the “vitality”the “greenerythe fertility”the power of the Holy Spirit.


РThe fence of wonders, Lorette Nob̩court: a novel about the life of Hildegard
– 10 attitudes to cultivate to live happily, Aleteia article
– The film Vision: the story of Hildegard of Bingen
– The Vision Album: Luminous Spirit Group
– Hildegard’s recipes: