pray over low heat

Presenting the withdrawal

🤔 What inspires you in life?

People are a universe of possibilities and each one of us is a different world. Each one of us, different things, inspire us towards something new in life, to take a step forward or to reinforce something that is already moving within. What inspires you?

A source of inspiration, for many of us, are books. Beginning with the Bible, and continuing with those who have accompanied us, advised us, helped us grow, taught us to pray.

life inspires booksY the books also inspire lifeand much more, when they are written from the depths of life.

Books are written from life, they are life, and by reading them a new life is born.

If you need inspiration here you have this retreat.

We propose you to live an experience of encounter with God, with yourself and with others inspired in the books “On a slow fire”.

Do you believe that there is a time for everything and that there are experiences that cannot be lived too soon? 🤔

This retreat is for you.

pray over low heat It is a retreat for young people from 13 to 99 years old. and morewho want to live in each moment what corresponds, without anticipating events and without burning stages.

🤔 Do you feel that life, things go too fast?

Reserve, for 7 days about 15′ to live life, in all its intensity, step by step.

You will be able to discover, with Marta and Pedro, the protagonist of the story, that the Love of God and only Love, truly, and sincere friendship help you find your way back Home, where things are savored “on a slow fire”. “.

What topics will we address in our itinerary?

Throughout this retreat, you will be able to discover and deepen with its protagonists in experiences as human and as divine as:

1️⃣ Entangled in New Technologies? Navigate to grow and evangelize

2️⃣ How do you love me? How I love you? Know true love, or true love

3️⃣ Do you know we share the same DNA? We are family, like God’s family.

4️⃣ Does God call you to be fire? Religious life and the priesthood, vocations for today.

5️⃣ Do you want to come eat with me? Celebrating the Eucharist is going to party.

6️⃣ Shall we give ourselves another chance?: The need to forgive and forgive ourselves.

7️⃣ The right to life is for everyone! Life is sacred from its conception.

What are we going to do on each of the days of this retreat?

🔥Turning on the embers:

We will start with a small atmosphere, which ignites our hearts to live the prayer time with intensity.

🔥 We dive into a slow fire

Every day, a few words from the Slow Fire books will help us to do a reading that will help us delve into the proposed topic.

🔥 In the heat of the Word of God

The Bible is not just another book, it is a Word that is alive, that illuminates, sustains and accompanies our journey.

A biblical text will help us to look, with the eyes of God, at the moment we live.

🔥 Singing around the fire

Music accompanies us at all times. It inspires us, stimulates us, drives us to behave in one way or another.

Praying with music fills us and transports us. That’s why every day there will be a song that lights your heart and makes you pray slowly.

Enjoy the music!

🔥 Share your fire

How are you going to put into practice in your daily life what you have reflected on and prayed for? So you can share your fire with others.

If you want to keep in touch with us when you finish this retreat, join the “María Rivier” i-Amigos community. Click on this link https:///t/vrNuz.