Pray with Harpa Dei

The liturgy of the hours is the prayer that the Church sings as “Watchful Bride waiting for her Husband”.

Harpa Dei sings Vespers and Lauds with melodies taken from traditional sources such as Gregorian chant and Russian polyphony, combined with their own compositions to embellish this liturgical prayer.

On the afternoon of each Saturday and on the morning of each Sunday, you will receive the notification for the Office of the corresponding week, introduced by the recitation of the Angelus (sung in Latin).

The Harpa Dei Choir is made up of four brothers, both in blood and in spirit: Nikolai, Lucía, Marie-Elisée and Mirjana Gerstner.

The four have as their spiritual basis the long formation they have received in a religious community of Catholics.

Harpa Dei hopes to be able to contribute to rescuing and creating sensitivity towards the musical tradition of the universal Church, which –in terms of the Second Vatican Council–

“It constitutes a treasure of inestimable value, which stands out among other artistic expressions.” (Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium).