prayer against discrimination

Good God, with respect I come before You and I thank You for allowing me to see your creation and for teaching me with each passing day how merciful and great a father can be with their children. In You I always find the advice I need to move forward.

Lord of life, there are many who reject my way of being, I ask you to revive in me the love and trust and put your eyes on the hearts of those who cause me harm so that feel the presence of a loving father in your life. Make them understand that they make a mistake.

My Lord, I present you to my heart, only you know the wounds of its history and the limitations that he has had due to having been judged by many people. Let the pain that he has received disappear before your greatness, wrap him with your love and heal his wounds.

My Father, I ask you for those who have mocked me causing sadness in my life, I ask you that the healing warmth of your love penetrates the depths of their hearts and can change their shape to see the world and to relate to others.

You who heal the broken hearts and bandage the wounds of your children, heal my brothers and sisters in the world, enter all the corners of their lives, give them peace and fill them with love. Do not forsake them or allow them to cause them any harm.

Kind Father, I fear that the people who persecute me do not know the best of me, and it is their fear or fear acting with hate against me, please give them the opportunity to see me as someone they can love and accept. And above all, dear God of goodness, someone to whom They must repect.

I know very well that your love does not look favorably on rejection. Walk, holy God, through the life of all healing our hearts so that we act with kindness in the face of the unknown and we can accept each other as a universal family that you created.

As for our hearts, fill them with your goodness and renew them to show your beauty in your presence. Give them the freedom to love and break the chains of wrong ideas that they learned in the bad moments of their lives.

Loving God, help me to forgive those who oppress me so that I can live in joy and freedom, allows that with the passage of time my testimony of forgiveness serves as hope to who continue to be persecuted by earthly hatred.

My Lord, deliver me from all suffering and console me in difficult moments where it is more than I need from you. I want you to revive in me the commitment to bring, to everyone, the joy of live together without making brother or sister suffer.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me this space to talk to you, I implore you to take care of the others too, I ask you for their hearts that must be instruments of liberation and peace. So lead them on the path of kindness and equality.

My God, I bless you, place on them your light of justice to remedy the crimes of who sin against weak hearts, help them to understand that they must be redeemed by his faith and thus stop being stalkers of innocents. All this I ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ, our beloved Lord. Amen.