Prayer for a happy pregnancy

Prayer for a happy pregnancy

When all women know that they are pregnant, what they want most is for their baby to be born healthy and strong. Have full confidence that God will take control of everything and that both the baby’s health and her life will be in perfect condition. If you want to have a happy and healthy pregnancy, get on your knees and make a beautiful prayer to God to protect your life and the life of that beautiful being that is on the way.

Effective prayer for a healthy pregnancy

At this time, we recommend that you take a special place where you can be away from any distractions or noise and take some time there to repeat this beautiful prayer.

Lord, my almighty God, I thank you for this baby and I give you my pregnancy,

I know that if everything is in your hands, everything will be fine. Help us in the midst of this new process that we are experiencing as a family.

I ask you to put your hand of blessing on this little human being who is forming in my womb, that he may grow to know you and become a powerful person of God.

Thank you for all my children, who have become a blessing to me; into Your hand I commit myself, my husband, my family, and this precious little addition to our home, for which I praise You.

It is impossible for me not to thank you because you have given me the blessing of conception. God, thank you for giving life to each of us.

Thank you for uniting us in our mother’s womb even before she knew we existed.

We thank you for giving us a purpose for every beat of our heart and every breath we take.

It is in you that we live and move and have our being and we praise you for your good and beautiful works.

We are not here by accident and we thank you that this budding new life is not an accident either.

You are a generous and merciful giver of good things, Lord! This new life is in your hands and we pray that we will be good stewards of this precious creation.

Take control of our baby in each passing month. We ask you to help us in the waiting process and to provide us financially to do everything we have to do.

We ask you to help us buy all the things and that we do not miss anything for this baby. You are our supplier pro excellence. Thank you my Lord. Amen

Put your baby in God’s hands for a happy pregnancy

Although many things can happen during pregnancy. When you put your life and your baby’s life in God’s hands, everything will be fine.