Prayer for a rebellious son

Parental prayer is a way of entrusting our children to God, especially when they have taken wrong paths, are rebellious or lost in vice. Let us remember that, just as we pray to Saint Monica for our children, we can also ask for the intercession of Saint Benedict (who is often prayed to get rid of the negative) so that he frees them and protects them from all evil.

invites you to join this beautiful online retreat to pray with Saint Monica for your son in his difficulties, or for those who are going through a difficult situation…

Special prayer for moms- Santa Monica

2005 members

Prayer to Saint Monica for my son to return to Christ

“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, with the weight of my load of love, I turn to you, dear Saint Monica, and I ask for your help and intercession.
From your place in heaven, I implore you to pray before the Throne of the Most Holy for the good of my son/daughter, who has strayed from the faith and from all that we try to teach him/her.
I know, dear Monica, that our children do not belong to us, but to God, and that God often allows this drift as part of the journey to Him.
Your son, Agustín, also went astray; he ended up finding faith and, from his faith, he became a true teacher.
So help me to be patient and to believe that all things—even this disappointing departure from faith—ultimately work out God’s good purpose.
For the sake of my child’s soul, I pray that I understand this and have confidence.
Santa Monica, I beg you to teach me to be persevering in my faithful prayer, as you yourself did for the good of your son.
Inspire me to behave in a way that does not increase the distance between my child and Christ, but only gently draws him into His wondrous light.
Please show me what you know about this painful mystery of separation, and how it is reconciled in our children’s reorientation toward paradise.
Oh, Saint Monica, lover of Christ and His Church, pray for me and for my son/daughter, that we may win heaven and join you there, in eternal praise and thanks to God. Amen.”

(Source: Aleteia)

Our families together with Saint John Paul II

1926 members

Prayer to Saint Monica for the conversion of children

“I turn to you for help and instructions, Santa Monica, wonderful example of strong prayer for children.
In your loving arms I deposit my child (mention names here), so that through your
powerful intercession may achieve a genuine conversion to Christ Our Lord.
I also appeal to you, mother of mothers, so that you ask our Lord to grant me the same spirit of
incessant prayer that he granted to you.
All this I ask through Christ Our Lord Himself. Amen.”

(source: Aciprensa)