Prayer for equality between people

Our Father who dwells in heaven, on earth and everywhere. Creator of the universe, every day that passes I feel amazed at the greatness of your Creation and grateful for having granted me the gift of life and counting on you always, my Lord.

My good God, You who created all your children in your image and likeness, I want to ask you on this day in a very special way, for equality between people, because despite the fact that we are all human beings and we are all your children and deserve respect Lord, there are many people in the world who are victims of discrimination, violence and various lacks of respect towards their dignity.

Please, Lord of my life, make this end. Let the violence in the world end because of our different characteristics, violence against men, against women, against children, against different ethnic groups and groups that, although it is true they have different characteristics, we all have something in common: we are your children.

Dear God, I know that in your eyes we are all the same, but there are people who believe they are superior to others and who promote inequality; I ask you for these people, so that they open their hearts and understand that all people have the same rights and opportunities. Please come into their lives and help them understand that hate and violence is not the way to react to our brothers.

I ask you, Most High Lord, for all human beings, so that we never forget, whatever our position and condition, that we are all equal, both men, women, boys and girls and that we all have the right to freedom and dignity. .

May love of neighbor always be present in our hearts, to be able to defend those people who suffer the most, the poor, the marginalized, those who suffer the scourge of human trafficking, those who are oppressed and those who They are victims of injustice. Please beloved Father, take each one of the people who suffers for these causes and keep them under your protection.

My God of Love, allow me to be the neighbor of that needy person who crosses my path, be it a lonely old man, a poor child, or a starving foreigner; to be able to bring them a little joy, because they deserve to be happy both materially and spiritually.

Divine Lord, today I give you my whole life and I ask you for equality between people, so that this ceases to be a dream and begins to be a reality. Do not allow the dignity of people to be violated by political interests, by unscrupulous people who only want to harm people. Don’t allow it, Lord! Help us fight for equality in this world that resists change.

You know well the problems that our society is facing, you know about machismo, femicides, racism, the struggle that exists between social classes, genocide and the different types of violence caused by hatred in all its classes , my Lord, that is why now, in these moments, I raise my eyes to heaven and ask you, Almighty God, to pour out your blessing and your love on all humanity.

You, King of the universe, come to dwell in each heart that beats on this earth, so that we may be one in a single heartbeat, in a single love. May all people in the whole world be equal, Lord, help us to fight for our rights, for equality, so that no one is belittled or mistreated just for being or thinking differently.

You know that it is difficult, Lord, but I know very well that nothing is impossible for You. I ask you to be You, wonderful God, the one who originates the change in our society. I pray for the equality of all in this world, because I know with great faith that You are a God of miracles, a God of works, That is why I trust that You receive this cry and that you will do what you will.

Thank you, heavenly Lord, for listening to me, for protecting me and for giving me hope. that this world can be a better place, a place where differences do not exist and the love that You pour out on us, be the reason that unites us and eradicates all difference from our lives; In the incomparable name of Jesus, your blessed Son, I ask you, Amen.