Prayer for good friends

My God, I want to rejoice in You, to know that you are the loving father who takes care of me and is always looking out for me, Lord. Because I am part of your beautiful creation and the love you feel for all your children is immense and unconditional.

I prostrate before You with humility in my heart, knowing that I try to improve as a person every day, beloved Father. And I want my spirit to reach the beautiful promise of your heavenly kingdom where there is nothing but happiness and youth.

Sir, the world is full of people in general who can show us their true feelings as well as deceive us. I am afraid, my God, that my friendship will be entrusted to the wrong people and then this may cause me some damage.

It has already happened, my God, that betrayal or slander has come into my life through certain men and women who called themselves my friends and turned out to only wish evil for me, beloved Father. I would not want to go through the same thing again, because it is very painful.

That is why I ask you, my almighty Lord, to allow me to keep my good friends, those friends who, just like me, only want my well-being and would do everything possible for me to do well in life. I also want that for myself, beloved God.

And for the world as a whole, most holy Lord, may there always be peace among those of us who live together on this beautiful planet that you have given us. May sincerity be present in the hearts of all my brothers and sisters around so that they treat all their friends with courtesy and kindness and thus improve their relationships, with will.

I acknowledge, my Father, the many sins I have committed, but I ask you not to look at my faults but at the hope I have of obtaining your forgiveness and beginning to correct my mistakes, because I want nothing more than to amend my mistakes and do good.

I thank you, my Lord, for the blessings given to my life, because here in this world I can consider myself a person very satisfied with what I have and everything is due to You, my heavenly Father and only to You.

That is why I always praise you, Most High. At all times and in all places I am glorifying your name, bearing witness to your immense power for the beautiful things you have achieved with me. I am proud to be able to call you my Father and rejoice knowing that you love me.

Allow me to keep the good friendships that I now have, my Lord. And if more people come into my life, may their intentions for me be the best and always be transparent and kind to me, God the Father.

I thank you for this space for dialogue, this moment of prayer that you have given me and for which I feel a lot of peace and tranquility inside. Like You no one exists, my God. You know what my heart has stored since the beginning of my life.

And so, by your Holy Grace, you can understand what happens to me and solve my burdens, my sorrows. I ask you to listen to my words, I ask you in the name of your Beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ, because He is the only way that leads to You. I bless you, my God. Amen.