Prayer for humility

Holy Father, before You is presented this being that shows itself whole, yours is my heart that sins and prays so that you can feel my sadness and joy, my pain and healing. I turn to You so that you can hear my soul and guide me on the path of peace, Holy Father.

God the Father taught you my full life so that you can observe it and protect it with your holy word, Destiny directs us to teachings but many times it puts us through tests that we must face with simplicity and nobility, which we lack.

Blessed Lord of heaven, yours is the truth, may your highest power lead my soul along the path of good, without underestimating my neighbor or my brothers, may my heart be filled with humility and not look down on those around me.

There have been times when I do not find the path of simplicity to address my brothers and sisters, moments when resentment or disdain take hold of me and make me surround myself with evil and I fall blind to the indifference of other people’s pain or the kindness that looks at me.

Lord God, Merciful Father, open your heart and let it fill me with You and your goodness, may my soul collect your teachings to achieve humility, simplicity and nobility that your beloved Son Jesus Christ taught us.

Beloved Father, I also pray for those souls who still do not know how to reach your name and love, that they too may have the common prayer for the nobility of their heart that beats full of your teachings, I pray that my brothers and sisters attain the glory of goodness.

My Lord, I admit with my chest exposed, that I have not acted well, that many times I have ignored my peers and I have looked over my shoulder, without taking pity on their circumstances. Father, give me the humility necessary to love my neighbor under your teachings.

God the Father, Blessed are you because you live in my steps and my prayers, thank you for the paths you have given me, for the joy of having my loved ones with peace and health. You who live in our hearts, thank you for looking at us like the children you always we will be before your eyes, my God.

May your voice, beloved Father, always reach the souls of the entire universe, may our resentment be extinguished, may the roar of evil be silenced before your powerful word, the victory of your love and your voice will reign forever.

My Father, open your arms wide and welcome this soul that cries out for mercy, may your son dwell in my mind and wash away my sorrows, cleanse me of resentment and dress me in humility, simplicity and the nobility that he brought us with his teachings.

Prayer always remains under your care, thank you God the beloved Father for allowing our voices to reach your magnificent presence. Savior God.

That the goodness and sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ, have been what is necessary to allow us the blessing of prayer, emphasizes the faith of remaining under your mantle, God the Father full of Mercy that you maintain the energies to listen to your children, we the sinners. I pray for our souls and the kindness to welcome us.