prayer for lovers

My God, on this occasion I place myself in your hands, I want my words to reach You guided by my faith in your Power and in the promise of salvation of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus. I want to be in front of You, good Lord, to know that you are listening to everything I say to you.

Holy Father, in these days I have lived many experiences that have made me think a lot. What is the best for me? Is it right to do what I do? What awaits me in the future? There are so many things, Lord, so many things that I think about that sometimes I feel that it is too much.

On this occasion that I can speak to you, my God, I would like to ask you not only for myself, but also for the person I have known and who, for some time, has become my sentimental partner. We have a relationship of lovers and, good Father, I would like to entrust this beginning of something so beautiful and sweet to your great love.

Glorious Father, You who know the intentions that keep my heart, You know that I have wanted for a long time to share many of my things with another person. And the fact that it could have been a reality excites me a lot. I love the person who accompanies me very much, I would like this that we have to last a long time, perhaps, if it is your will, until we can then commit ourselves, then get married and start a family.

I leave everything in your hands, my God. You are the one who knows what is best for me. And because You are my Beloved Father, I want to entrust my love relationship to You so that You guide us with Your goodness and Your wisdom.

I know we’re starting to know, there is still a long way to go to know what the way of being of each one of us is; but I am confident, Lord, that we will get along very well and we will live very special moments together with each other.

I can perceive the love that is growing between us; but I, who am very aware that nothing flourishes if it is not under your blessing, My God, I ask you to take care of what we are creating together and allow us to advance on this path that we have chosen holding your hand, Good Father.

Give us the time and prudence to start over if necessary. Give us the patience to understand each other, the simplicity of heart to live a healthy and strong relationship. And give us, Lord, the humility to forget pride and know how to forgive the other when a mistake is made. Teach us to be good, My God.

My partner and I ask you to watch over our well-being. The life you give us is full of your blessings, Most High. We want to always keep you in our hearts; when storms shake us and distract us from our destiny, help us, Lord.

When life is good and generous with usmake us sensible and do not allow us to be ungrateful and forget you. We acknowledge that You are our God and Father, the only One who loves us no matter what. And that is why we stand before You with the confidence that you will know how to make us better people every day.

My relationship, good Father, I want to bless in your holy Name. Thank you for listening to me, Father. I know that from your beautiful kingdom you listen with pleasure to my words and take care of me on my long path of life.

I ask that my words be a reality, in the name of your Holy Son, who offered his life for the forgiveness of our sins. I know that only He can send you my prayer, Lord. Thanks a lot. Amen.