Prayer for my sick relatives

Eternal Father, I offer you this humble prayer, to thank you for all the kindness you have with me and my loved ones, to tell you that I feel so grateful for my health and my well-being. My blessed God, in this opportunity I come before you seeking your consolation and your favor, knowing that you are always by our side, knowing that you see everything, you know everything and you never leave us.

Beautiful God, some of my brothers are in these moments, battling against some disease, in a hospital bed and some in their own beds, the pain invades them and the concern of knowing if they will get out of this situation is disturbing.

Give them your consolation my Lord, help them to feel calm, persevering and that they can trust in You my God, because You do things perfectly, and only You know what the purpose of each life on this earth is, I know for sure that everything you allow in our lives it is the best for us.

On this occasion, I ask for your help, my Lord, so that I know how to sacrifice a part of my occupations and in this way be able to accompany them in their illness, if that is their wish, either by visiting them or supporting their physical or emotional recovery, from the Whatever my God is, I want to be able to help you in whatever way I can.

I am full of life, Lord, and I thank you for it. But make the suffering of others cease and not be indifferent to me, that I may be able to give you my encouragement and my love, that I may support you to get out of this ordeal.

Comfort my sick brothers with your power, so that they lift their spirits and can overcome all their ills; help them Father to remain calm, to be constant in their prayers and to accept the designs of this life.

You can do everything my Lord, I humbly ask you to restore health to those who are sufferingespecially the children Father, because their bodies are small and fragile and do not have enough strength to fight complicated diseases.

But, if your designs are other, blessed God, and the disease persists, I ask you to grant them the grace to patiently cope with their disease and its outcome.

Help them to understand your sacred purposes, to remain firm on your side, do not allow the disease to make them deny you Blessed Father, because You only want the best for them my Lord.

In this prayer Father, I ask you for all the sick, You grant miracles my Lord, and you can heal thembut if your plan is another Lord, help us to understand and accept what comes.

Give them good cheer, to cope with the tedious days in bed, so that its spark does not go out, give them Father the ability to see beyond their pain, to keep you always in mind and to cry out to you for help.

I beg you Eternal Father, that if it is your will, remove the illness from my life and that of my family, that you keep us full of health and well-being, and that if one day we have to face difficult moments such as a serious illness, keep us united and always in your name my Lord, thank you for hearing my prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.