Prayer for my son to do well

Praying for children is a duty of parents. In fact, we can entrust to the Lord everything that is important to them: their joys, their sorrows, the challenges and difficulties of life, the good experiences…

Therefore, proposes several prayers for your children to do well, whether in their studies, in their professional life or in other aspects. For example, we can ask for the intercession of Saint Expeditus during examination periods, or of Saint Joseph to find a job and be successful in it.

Novena for Families with Saint Anne and Saint Joachim

877 members

Prayer for my son to succeed

“God, by your immense power I come to you to give you glory.
Oh Lord! You are omnipotent.
Also, I know that you will make everything go well for my son thanks to the words you give him.
Place in his mouth the indicated phrases that he must say, so that there is no lying tongue in him, because we know that for you that is abominable.
Also, may he always have wisdom in his heart and manifest it on his lips.
Finally, let the best ideas, flattery, words of firmness and prudence come out of your mouth.
However, let him understand the right times and the right words to say.
Indeed, let him speak with the understanding so that he may succeed in everything, in the name of Jesus. Amen”

(Source: faithful to God site)

Our families together with Saint John Paul II

1926 members

Prayer for the welfare of children

“Loving God, today I bow to you to ask you in this prayer for the health, well-being and happiness of my beloved children, which you sent as proof of your love to my home.
Please enlighten their minds so that they do not lack knowledge, give them the gift of being healthy and strong and give me the time and strength necessary to be able to see them grow, advance and enjoy together with them.
Heavenly Father, I ask you to guide the steps of my children, please protect them from all danger, light their path, pour out your blessing on them and protect them in your name.