Prayer for my wedding anniversary

Most Holy Lord, God of the universe, I cannot stop expressing to you how grateful I feel for granting me one more day of life next to my dear family and in your blessed company, Thank you for always being present in our lives, accompanying us and freeing us from all evil.

Dear Lord, on this special occasion I come before You to give You infinite thanks for the immense joy of celebrating one more date of my marriage anniversary, because you have allowed that despite living in such difficult times, where we are exposed to falling into temptations , I can stay together with my partner and celebrate another year of joy and happiness, always with You Lord.

I thank you, my God, for having met this very special person who agreed to join me in marriage, thank you because you have allowed me to love and be loved. I ask you to help me preserve my marriage, that the flame of love never goes out and that with the passing of the years, this bond is strengthened even more with the love of the children and the whole family.

God of goodness, I thank you for all the moments of joy and happiness and also for the difficult moments Lord, because you have allowed love to prevail between us and I ask you from the bottom of my heart, to keep us together for the rest of our lives and that year after year, on our anniversary day, we can renew those vows we made on the day of our marriage.

On this special day, my God, I also want to ask you for the life of my partner, of that perfect complement that You have put in my path, because You knew that I needed to feel loved, to feel that someone would be with me through thick and thin, that is why I give you the heart of this special person that you put by my side , so that you are the one who protects her and blesses her with her powerful hand.

Throughout all this time together, I must admit that not always everything was joy, but also, as in all marriages, there were problems and misunderstandings, but thanks to you, my blessed Lord, and to you infinite mercy, it is that today we can be one more year together, moving forward as spouses and above all, as your children.

As a result of this love we have a wonderful family, which although not perfect, It is all I need to be happy with You, my omnipotent God. How beautiful it is to be able to know that You had, have and will have a perfect plan for my life, that is why today I rejoice in You, knowing that these moments of joy and happiness come from your grace.

Bless, beloved Father, everything around my marriage: my children, my entire family, because they are my life, my reason to move forward. Give us everything we need, my God: strength to continue standing in storms, peace not to lose calm in difficult times, joy to be able to do everything with pleasure and above all love, to love each other and love You, Lord of my life.

Allow us to have many more years together in the blessing of this marriage, Most High, give us the health we need to continue strong in this home, give us patience to be able to deal with day-to-day problems and good discernment to make the best decisions for this community of love that we form together with my partner and our children.

How good it feels to know that You are guiding us, taking care of us and taking us by the hand to continue with You. Thank you blessed Father, because you never forsake us, because although sometimes we have difficulties, You are always there to tell us to move on. Thank you for letting me find a person who loves me, who respects me, who values ​​me. Infinite thanks, Lord.

God of my life, please help us to always remember that this marriage is for three: Me, my partner and You in our midst, Lord. That my husband, that my wife may be able to recognize each day of her life in a personal way that You are the center of our marriage and of our lives, just as I do, my God.

Lord, I ask you to spill your blessings on my marriage and that peace, love and fidelity always reign in our home, I ask you in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen.